11 Deople Dead in Zimbabwean Church Service Stampede


Eleven people have been killed and dozens injured in a stampede at a stadium in Zimbabwe as thousands of people at a church service tried to leave through the same exit.

Around 30,000 people packed into a stadium in Kwekwe, 130 miles west of Harare, yesterday evening to listen to Pentecostal pastor Walter Magaya. When the service ended the congregation rushed towards a single exit, in a stampede that killed four people on the spot. Another seven were pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

The Zimbabwe Chronicle says that the incident happened when police closed other gates out of the stadium, forcing the crowd to the single remaining one. Concrete walls were broken down as the congregation tried to get out of the stadium and police fired teargas into the crowd, causing the stampede.

Three of the 11 who died were children and one was a pregnant woman…Read More

Source and Original Content by Christian Today