Pastor Saeed Abedini’s Fate Hangs Uncertain

Photo: Christian Post

The fate of Pastor Saeed Abedini continues hanging in the balance following the extension of negotiations between Iran and several nations, including the U.S., on a nuclear deal. The American Center for Law and Justice noted that Abedini has not been “completely abandoned” yet by the Obama administration, and it remains critical that Iran be pressured for his release.

“The American people were heard and Iran was not rewarded with a nuclear deal while it continues to imprison and torment a U.S. citizen. Yet Pastor Saeed is not free,” wrote Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the ACLJ.

“Second, the reports indicate that there will be no lull in the negotiations; they will continue as soon as next month. That means now continues to be a critical time to pressure Iran to release Pastor Saeed.”

CNN reported that a new deadline for a political framework has been set for March 1, 2015, and a final deadline for an agreement for July 1st. The original deadline for the deal was set for Monday.

Iran has been looking for a deal to ease restrictions on its nuclear program, which it insists will not be used for creating nuclear weapons. The new deadline will allow the Iranian government another seven months to reach an agreement with western officials.

“We have had to conclude it is not possible to get to an agreement by the deadline that was set for today and therefore we will extend the JPOA to June 30, 2015,” British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond told reporters, according to Reuters.

The Joint Plan of Action had been agreed to between Iran and the P5+1 countries in 2013 in Geneva. With that, Tehran would limit its higher level uranium enrichment in exchange for easing some economic sanctions that had been imposed on the country.

Hammond suggested that “significant progress” had been achieved in talks with Iran, and that there is now a clear target to reach an agreement before the next deadline comes to pass.

The ACLJ, which represents Abedini’s wife and two children in the U.S., has been calling on President Barack Obama to continue pressing Iran for the pastor’s release.

The pastor, an American citizen, has been imprisoned in Iran for over two years since his arrest in 2012. The Iranian court sentenced him to eight years in prison, and the ACLJ argues that Abedini is being punished for his Christian faith…Read More

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