Christian Group Raises Funds to open Mcdonald’s in Church

Photo: REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

If you’ve ever suddenly realised you’re hungry halfway through a sermon and wished you could nip out for a quick burger to keep you going, you could be in luck. A Christian group in New Jersey is raising funds to buy a McDonald’s franchise and is hoping to open it in an unusual location – a church.

It’s part of what the McMass Project sees as a need to “revitalise churches as centres for conversation and cultural engagement”.

A promotional video for the campaign notes that 3 million people leave the Church each year in the US, and as many as 10,000 churches closed down across the country in 2013.

Many churches are struggling financially, and aren’t bringing in new worshippers.

“It’s time for churches to engage with entrepreneurship. The McMass Project is helping churches keep pace in the modern world. We can solve all of these problems and become more present in culture by establishing McDonald’s franchises in churches!” the group says.

Paul Di Lucca, one of the founders of McMass, told NBC that “Christianity is unable to capture modern audiences,” while McDonald’s restaurants serve 70 million people every day. The group therefore sees it as the perfect partnership.

“Churches are community centres, but need to attract people and support themselves financially. McDonald’s are profitable, draw constant crowds, but need great, centrally-located spaces,” the website says.

“Together, a McDonald’s Church will support itself and become increasingly active in its community.”

“There’s a lack of innovation and lack of design thinking in Church communities,” Di Lucca said, though he also added: “We are aware a lot of people will think this is an insane idea.”

The group is looking for $1 million, and has set up an online fundraising account, but it’s still got a way to go – so far it has amassed just $78.

Source and Original Content by Christian Today