Travelling Team Leads Pakistans to Christ

Photo: BCN

OM Pakistan men’s traveling team has been busy over the last few months, visiting towns and encouraging local Believers. The team often sets up a book table in a church area, or in the bazaar. One local believer watched the literature being set out and commented: “It’s really good that you are distributing books for children and elderly people to transform their lives. It will help people and children recognize the right way of living their lives.”

As the team shared the Word of God to those in church, and told of personal experiences of God in their lives, many were moved to make their own commitments of faith. Seminars on spiritual growth and healing encouraged churches to pray for and expect to experience healing; the impact of showing Christian films was noticeable as one man said: “I have always prayed for Christians in Pakistan, and for the faith of the nation, but now I want to pray for the salvation of all Pakistanis!”

The local pastor explained how important it was for people to understand that they needed a spiritual birth as well as a physical birth, and the place of Jesus in God’s plan for the world. Over 100 people listened with great attention to his words, many saying afterwards that this was the first time they had heard this teaching explained to them so clearly. 15 made personal decisions to follow Jesus as a result. One 75 year old woman said: “Today I have learnt from your team that prayer is very important to ask for the forgiveness of our sins, believe in Jesus and be made whole.”

Young Christian Believers living in rural areas were not left out either, as they were urged not to give up, but to complete their studies, so that they would be better able to understand the Bible and be better equipped to answer questions asked by seekers of the Truth…Read More

Source and Original Content by BCN