10 Things to Be Thankful for at Thanksgiving


Feel free to adapt, delete or custom design the following questions, or to use them as a springboard for some great interaction in a short devotional time before or after eating or while enjoying that scrumptious meal.

1. Thank God for sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life and then died the death we deserved. Why does this matter? What does it mean to you?

2. Thank God for the gift of freedom upon which America was uniquely founded. Ours is the only nation in history ever established on the principle that “all men are created equal” and enjoy certain rights that do not come from a dictator, king or government, but rather from the living God.

3. Thank God for all the bountiful varieties of food we enjoy every single day. Hunger is the No. 1 cause of death in the world. Fifteen million children die yearly, and 21,000 die daily because of this. One-third of the world is starving, while another one-third is underfed. Imagine if we had to search garbage cans for specks of nourishment to feed us.

4. Thank God for our health, medical technology and the personnel who keep us healthy. In the ’90s, more than 100 million children died from illness and starvation alone. Yearly, more than 1 million children die from preventable diseases, such as diarrhea and pneumonia, because they lack treatment we easily take for granted. Does this matter?

5. Thank God for our eyes and the phenomenal gift of sight. Jesus called the eye “the lamp of the body,” and it has more than 2,000 components! Cover your eyes for a moment and imagine what it would be like to live in darkness as some do. Would you take $1 million in exchange for your eyes?

6. Thank God for our parents and the promise that God gives: “Honor your father and your mother … that your days may be prolonged, and it may go well with you” (Deut. 5:16). Why is this important?

7. Thank God for clean running water available in our sinks, washing machines, dishwashers and toilets. More than 1 billion people lack access to clean drinking water, which yields sickness and complex problems. How would you feel if this was our situation?

8. Thank God for police officers, firefighters, garbage collectors, 911 operators and others who protect us—especially men and women in the military. Can you picture what our life would be like without these public servants?

9. Thank God for the wonderful gift of electricity. More than one-quarter of the human population does not have access to any electricity. Name some items in your home powered by electricity. What would life be like without them?

10. Thank God for our teachers and education, whether it’s public, private or done at home. One out of every four children in America grows up without the ability to read. Sixty percent of inmates in prison are illiterate. Are we thankful for our teachers and the gift of learning?

Source and Original Content by Bcnn1