David Ibiyeomie: Building A Peaceful Home


Topic: Building A Peaceful Home

Crisis in families in not a satanic invasion but a wisdom deficiency. Temptation comes to must families that is capable of tearing them apart but they are still living in peace while others with similar temptations are having their marriages and families rocking left and right. What has made some people divorce is what made some marriages stronger by application of wisdom.

1Cor.10:13 – There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Challenges come to every home but wisdom handles the challenges. It is wisdom that you need to handle challenges in your home. There is what to do to enjoy a peaceful home.

You need wisdom to enjoy peace in your family. Peace will not come by wishing; it will come by conscious application of the wisdom of God. The church of Jesus Christ is made up of families and the degree of peace each family enjoys affects the body of Christ.

If you want to have a tension-free family peace, God’s word is the answer. God instituted marriage and family. He left His manual on how to enjoy a peaceful home which is the Word of God. If you ignore the instructions in the manual of God, your family will face challenges. If you want peace in your family, you must go back to the word of God.

John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

One of the offspring of wisdom is peace; that is why Solomon had peace despite all the adversaries against him more than David his father who fought war all through his life. Solomon operated in wisdom while David operated more in strength.

In case your family is experiencing one challenge or the other, or at the verge of collapsing, I decree peace! I decree supernatural reconciliation in the name of Jesus Christ! No matter what is trying to break you, God will not allow it to happen in your family! There shall be restoration in the name of Jesus!

God’s original design is for you is to have ‘Home, Sweet Home’. That was why He created the first man and woman and left them in a garden; not in a forest. God kept them in a place where they can have the sweetness of life. May you enjoy sweetness in your family in the name of Jesus –Amen!

God bless you

Click HERE to read other Inspiring Messages by Pastor David Ibiyeomie 

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