RCCG 21 Days Fasting and Prayer Points July 2018 [Second Lap]


PREAMBLE: Joel 2:23-25

“Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm,”

We bless the Lord for the blessings of the Songs of Victory and the grace to b e a partaker of the just concluded 50 days fast. We are highly encouraged by the outcome of the testimonies.

The second phase of the fasting and prayer promises greater dimension of divine intervention. It is necessary due to the fact that the enemy of our soul is never tired. (I Peter 5:8). One of the promises of the Lord for us in Isaiah 60:20 is that the victory we have received this season shall be sustained in Jesus’ Name.

In our engagement in this spiritual warfare, this prayer guide is provided to lead you through the 21 days in the month of July. May the Lord revive us all in the midst of this year in RCCG world over in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

The following are some topical guidelines and prayer points that you will find helpful during this 21 days of divine involvement. May you be victorious as you ASK in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


If God had not been on our side for the past six months in this year ; we could have been thirsty with no water to drink. We could have desired to get warmed with no coverings available. We could have entered into trouble and found no one to help. We could have lifted our hands and found them withered. Opened our eyes and be totally blanked. Our mouths could have been opened with inability to voice a sentence. We could have traveled and landed in the Mortuary. Perhaps, we could have joined the congregation of the dead walking aimlessly on the streets of our towns and cities naked. We could have prepared the most delicious meal but lost appetite not because we don’t feel like eating but finding it difficult to eat. We could have been dead in our sins and landed in hell! Let’s appreciate God therefore with all seriousness.

  • Thank God for being on our side in RCCG throughout 2017 and for the past six months in this year 2018.
  • Worship God who has been keeping you since your exodus into this year 2018. Exo 12:14-21
  • Let us thank God for His mercy he has made available in sustaining us. Lam. 3:22-23
  • Thank God for not allowing the enemy to succeed over you.
  • Let us thank God for not allowing perpetual civil war to exist in the Nation where you are.
  • Thank God for what He has done for you and every individual in RCCG. Globally. Ps 138
  • Let us bless the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the growth of Christianity in the Nations where Christianity had not been allowed before.
  • Let us bless the name of the Lord for the Church of God that is marching forward despite the threat of the insurgents across the globe.
  • Thank God for Daddy and Mummy G.O and for His mercy over them Exod. 33:19.
  • Thank God for calling and backing up Daddy and Mummy G.O in this Great Commission.
  • Let us thank God for His mercy on the family of Daddy G.O.
  • Let us thank God for divine health in the family of Daddy G.O
  • Let us bless the name of the Lord for His Hands of supports for Daddy G.O in the Mission generally.
  • Appreciate God for all the souls won to the Kingdom through the Holy Spirit in all the outreaches where Daddy G.O had ministered this year.
  • Thank God for providing for you and all yours.
  • Thank God for you are still alive to praise His Holy name in 2018
  • Bless the name of the Lord for His mercies over the life of every member RCCG globally.
  • Thank God for fulfilling His covenants made with our founder in our lives and in all our churches.
  • Thank God for making us part of a covenant to prepare a people for Himself that will propagate the gospel of Christ at this time.

DAY 2 PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS: Text: Jere. 31:34; LUKE 23:34, 1kings 13:1-6; Act 7:54-60, John 3:16
Example of complete forgiveness in the Bible: JOSEPH, Gen. 45:5-15; Gen 50:19-20, DAVID 1 Samuel 24:1-22, 2 Samuel 9:1-13.

  • Father!!! Please have mercy on me for not forgiving others and give me the heart of flesh to forgive in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! By your grace, I forgive totally all that have offended me; I released them from captivity of bitterness in my heart.
  • Father!!! By your Holy Spirit, touch the heart of those that I have offended to forgive and forget my offenses in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! I release all that have offended me now, please release every benefit and blessing that unforgiveness has delayed in my life, in Jesus name.
  • Fire of the Holy Ghost purge my heart of every unforgiveness in Jesus name.
  • Lord Jesus, by Your blood, released me from every family captivities resulting from inherited offenses.
  • Father!!! Everyone I need to forgive for my life to break through, please lead me to them now in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! Let every seed of unforgiveness in my life be consumed by fire in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! Please eradicate every form of bitterness from my heart in Jesus name.


  • Oh Lord!!! Cause Your Church to walk in victory every day of her life.
  • Lord, deliver your Church from worldliness in any form of its manifestation.
  • Holy Spirit, deliver your Church from anything that is diminishing her love for Christ.
  • Dear Lord, a worldly Church/Christian cannot shine for you, let worldliness become a stranger to your Church so that we can keep on shining for you all the days of our life.
  • LET’S JOIN OUR HANDS! Say Father! You are the owner of the Church, arise and defend Your Church world over.
  • Lord, break every link and cord between your Church and the world; help us to live a life of total separation from anything sinful.
  • Father, help us and deliver us from whatever would make us to love what is repulsive to You and hate what You love.
  • Father!!! Please double the grace upon RCCG in passion for souls, in soul winning (Evangelism), in prayers and living the life of holiness. I Timo. 5:17; Psa. 102:13
  • Father, please, because silver and gold belong to you, let the new auditorium (3kmx3km) in Nigeria and all the infrastructures being embarked upon in RCCG globally be completed by your own divine provision. And please Lord, use me also. Haggai.2:8
  • Lord, create in us the hunger and thirst to please God in all aspects.
  • Enlarge the coast of your Church, Release your victory upon your Church and let your Church manifest your Shekinah Glory.

DAY 4 PRAYER OF VICTORY FOR DADDY AND MUMMY G. O. Text: – Exodus 17:11-16, 1 Sam. 3:19, Deut. 34:7, Pro. 16:31, Ps. 91:16, James 1:12.

  • Pray for more physical strength for Daddy and Mummy G.O. even as their both ageing graciously. Let us pray that God will favour the family of Daddy GO with divine health and wisdom.
  • Let us pray that the hand of the Lord will be upon Daddy & Mummy G.O. in a greater, deeper, higher and wider dimensions in the fulfillment of the great commission.
  • Let us pray that every cloud of darkness that may be gathering around the ministerial assignment of Daddy and Mummy G.O be dispelled by the Sun of Righteousness.
  • Let us pray that the secrets of the enemies of Light pretending to be a friend be exposed without any further delay in Jesus Name. Amen.
  • Let us pray that God will surround Daddy G O’s family as mountains surround Jerusalem. Ps.125
  • Say Father!! Grant our Father-in-the-Lord & our Mother-in-Israel the required victories over internal and external enemies waging war against them and their families.
  • Pray that our spiritual parents will finish well and strong.

Daniel 2:23, “I thank thee, and praise thee, O thou God of my fathers, who hast given me wisdom and might, and hast made known unto me now what we desired of thee: for thou hast now made known unto us the king’s matter.”

  • Thank God for the lives of all our leaders in RCCG at all levels in all Nations.
  • Let us thank God for the wisdom the Lord has granted our leaders in the running of the Church worldwide.
  • Ask God to be merciful unto us and our leaders in any area that we have sinned (Proverbs 28:13)
  • Father, let our Church Leaders always be examples of wisdom, victory and power of God. Grant them victory and power to speak God’s word with boldness.
  • The counsel of God concerning our leaders shall be established in Jesus name.
  • Lord, make our leaders useful vessels and let them walk in fear and reverence of the Lord.
    Be their refuge, strength and deliverer in Jesus name.
  • We counter every attempt by the enemy to shut the doors that the Lord has opened unto our leaders and RCCG worldwide.
  • God of Victory! Let every form of lukewarmness, coldness, spiritual apathy, spiritual dryness, be separated from our leaders in Jesus Name.
  • Father, give us both the utterance and audience anytime we approach your presence. Help us to pray and praise you fervently in the Spirit in Jesus name.

Fear is the opposite of faith. It has been described as “false evidence appearing real”. Fear (of torment) is also distressing emotion arouse by threat of impending danger, pain or evil 1 John 4:18.

  • Father!!! we thanked you for the past and present victories over anxiety.
  • Father!!! Deliver every member in all RCCG Parishes globally body from the spirit of fear in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!! Wipe away every agent of fear from your Church in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! Increase our faith in you in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!! Restore back whatever we have lost to the devil through fear and anxiety in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!! Help us to start each day with you, and order my steps aright through fear in Jesus name.
  • As the Lord lives I shall not fall into bondage of fear again in the Name of Jesus.

DAY 7 VICTORY OVER SATANIC COVENANT; Text Isaiah 49:24-26, Isa 59:21; Jere31, 33, 34; Gal 3:15-18; Zech 9:11; Deut 29:1 and 14-15;
Any covenant made in the physical is as strong as the one made in the spiritual. An evil covenant is an agreement with Satan consciously and unconsciously made to get certain thing done on conditional terms.

  • Father!!! By the blood of Jesus, please recover for me all grounds given to Satan by my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.
  • Father!!! Arrest every spirit enforcing evil covenants in my life by Holy Ghost fire in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! Let everything that has been demonically transferred into me, either by words or through laying of hands, loose its hold right now in Jesus Name,
  • Father!!! Let every serpentine poison that has been passed into my life, get out now in Jesus name.
  • Lord of Host! Please, establish my victory over every form of satanic covenant that I subscribed to knowingly and unknowingly.
  • Father!!! Let your fire fall on every spirit of death and hell fashioned against my life in the name of Jesus.
  • Father!!! Let every serpentine spirit working against my destiny be consumed by Holy Ghost fire in the name of Jesus.
  • Father!!! Arise in your power and let the blood of Jesus break every evil covenant upon my life in the name of Jesus.

Restoration can be immediate, gradual or progressive.

  • Father!!! Thank you for being the great restorer.
  • Holy Spirit, please, reminds me of everything I need to restitute so as to trigger the release of my complete restoration this year in Jesus Name.
  • Father, destroy every destructive agent out of my life in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!! Replace our sorrow with joy, our ashes with beauty. Give us total restoration.
  • Lord of Hosts, arise and give us victory over every power causing destruction in our lives and in our Nations in Jesus Name.
  • Father, let every Failure at the edge of our breakthroughs and restoration be destroyed in Jesus name
  • Every saboteur of my victory and restoration, be disgraced, displaced and be destroyed in Jesus name
  • GOD OF VICTORY! By fire by force, grant me unlimited victories over illegal occupants in my promise land


  • Let us plead for mercy on behalf of our NATIONS (Please, Mention the name of your own Nation) for atrocities and wickedness that had been committed and being committed.
  • Pray that the blood of Jesus will speak healing to our Nations. Exo. 12:13
  • Holy Spirit! Destroy every blood sucking demons who are hell bent and that are assigned to destroy our Nations in Jesus name.
  • Let us speak destruction against every evil altar raised and serviced constantly anywhere in our Nation to perpetuate human trafficking, rituals, suicide bombing, and all other forms of killings.
  • Let God arise in our Nations and let His entire enemy be scattered. Ps. 68:1-2
  • Oh Lord! Arise and recovered our Nations from spiritual and physical recession and from all forms of famine.
  • Lord, heal our land of all forms of hatred and wickedness and let the rain of love and righteousness begin to fall. 2 Kings 7:1-8
  • Oh Lord, in all our Nations, put an end to terrorism, kidnapping, hired killing, corruption, militancy, communal clashes, farmers and herdsmen clashes in the land. (Pray as it applies to your own Nation).

DAY 10 VICTORIES OVER GENERATIONAL SINS AND CURSES: Text: Rom. 5:15; Exo. 20, 34:5-7, Eze 18:19.

  • Father!!! Let every unknown soul tie influencing my life negatively, be consumed in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! I stand in the finished work of the cross to deliver my life from every effect of generational sin of my household in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! Deliver me from every evil pronouncement that is causing affliction in my family in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! By the fire of the Holy Ghost, every strongman perpetrating evil occurrence in my life and ministry let them be consumed in Jesus name.
  • Father!!! I stand in the blood of Jesus and revoke every legal ground that the enemies have possessed in Jesus name.
  • Holy Ghost fire!!! Release your demolishing bullets and dynamites on every curse and soul ties affliction in my life.
  • My Father, my Father! Let the blood of Jesus Christ displace and destroy every link between me and generational afflictions in Jesus Mighty name.

TEXT: Matt 8:16; John 4:34-38.

  • Pray that there shall be harvest of Souls Miracles, signs and wonders at every gathering ( Holy Ghost Service, Festival of life, Conventions, Workers’ Rally) all over the world.
  • Father, accelerate the speed at which the expected open doors for the harvest of souls in all Nations of the world would begin to manifest.
  • Any decree or policy to cause satanic road-block against the Gospel in any Nation will not stand this year.
  • Arise O Lord and save sinners, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, set the captives free and destroy all yokes by the anointing Isa 10:27
  • Pray that the word of God will come with power and prick the heart of sinners around us unto repentance Act 2:37
  • Let us pray that God will deliver His people from all forms of spiritual death.
  • Let us come against the spirits of distractions that divert people attention away from eternal phenomena.
  • Say Father! Deal with every enemy of harvest, miracle, signs and wonders in your Church and our lives and give total victory over them all.


  • Father!!! Let every satanic altar erected against your Church and Your People be demolished in Jesus name
  • We refuse to be a prisoner of any local altar, in the name of Jesus.
  • Oh Lord, we plead your blood, and we render every aggressive altar impotent, in the mighty name of Jesus.
  • Every evil altar erected against our Nations, be disgraced in the name of Jesus
  • We curse every local altar fashioned against us in the name of Jesus
  • Holy Ghost Fire! Destroy every satanic priest and their sponsors in our entire Churches world over.
  • We possess our possession stolen by any evil altar in the name of Jesus
  • Lord!!! Send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus
  • We withdraw the names of our Nations from the lists placed on any evil altar, our names and those of our Nations can no more appear and be affected by any evil altar in Jesus Name.

DAY 13 PRAYER OF VICTORY OVER BARRENNESS. Text: Exodus 23:26; Ps. 1:28; 25:21.

  • Father, when you created us, you commanded fruitfulness, begin to fulfill your word in our life in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!!, let every seed of fruitfulness that you planted in our life begin to germinate in Jesus name
  • Father!!! Destroy every form of barrenness from our lives in Jesus Name.
  • Father!!! You put a smile on the face of Sarah, in all homes globally, visit your people with laughter this year in Jesus Name
  • Father!!! Whatever power that has placed an embargo on our being fruitful, today by your authority render them powerless.
  • Father!!! we reject all negative medical reports concerning fruitfulness In Jesus name
  • Father!!! You said no one will be barren in your house, by your power break every yoke of bareness in Jesus name
  • Father!!! In all aspects of our life, open our wombs and make us fruitful in Jesus Name.

DAY 14 PRAYER OF VICTORY THROUGH GOD’S HELP; Text: Exo.17:8-16; Ps.121:1-2; Rev.3:2; John 7:37; Ps. 23:1,6; 50:15; 20:1; 91:15; 46:1

  • Father!!! Don’t let Church loose Her focus of you
  • Father!!! We lift up our eyes unto you, don’t let us be put to shame
  • O Lords!!! Rescue your Church from people who are liars and deceptive.
  • Father!!! Hold us with your victorious right hand and strengthen us.
  • Holy Ghost!!! Scatter in pieces with your sharp arrows and burn the deceptive tongue with your glowing coal of fire
  • Almighty God, make your Church a new threshing instruments with many sharp teeth to tear apart every enemy on Her way.
  • Father!!! Let every blockage to our helpers be removed in Jesus name
  • Father!!! Please don’t let your glory depart from from us in Jesus name.
  • Father! Don’t let me lose my focus of you in all my undertakings
  • Father! Let every insolent and violent gang that rise against my favour fall into their trap and the evil of their hands.

DAY 15 PRAYER OF VICTORY FOR DIVINE ATTENTION; Text: John 11:17-44; Mark 10:46-52;

  • Father!!! Thank you God for redeeming my life from darkness into your marvelous light.
  • Thank you lord for your mercies shown to me despite the rotten past life I have lived.
  • Father!!! Let your heavenly bulldozer pull down every physical or spiritual barrier blocking my heavens from opening.
  • Father!!! Cut away every inherited cord of failure, disgrace shame, poverty, debt, and wretchedness in Jesus name.
  • Who art thou mountain of sickness, failure, fruitless ventures and satanic strongholds blocking my heavens? I command you begin to melt now in Jesus name.
  • Make me whole from every infirmity.
  • Father! Grant me this season from Heavenly Throne both what money can afford and what money cannot buy.
  • Holy Ghost! Where my strength ended, please, arise and let Your Host fight my battles for me.
  • Father! Before this season of fast expire, specially attend to my case …

Please bear with us, more prayer points are coming.

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