Book Review: The Prophetic Blessing by John Hagge


Pastor John Hagge, the man with the anointing to impact the blessing of the Lord through his teaching is out with another wonderful, impactful and insightful book titled ‘The Power of the Prophetic Blessing’, the book reviews how to step into God’s blessing, how to command supernatural blessing to flow into every areas of your lives and you will also know that a life of blessing is what God set out for you not a life of poverty.

While reading the book, I discovered that things can never go wrong with me because of the secrets of how to access God’s blessing that I found in this book. I also found some powerful words in the book that I believe if you say it to yourself for a month or two, you will experience God’s blessing like never before.

John said these words, I believe it, I claimed it and it is working for me. He said “He (God) has promised to make you the head and not the tail. He will give you houses you didn’t build, vineyards you didn’t plant, and wells you didn’t dig. He will plant you by rivers of living water, and whatsoever you do will prosper! He is the Lord who gives you the power to get wealth.”

These words are the essential ingredients needed for the blessings of the Lord and you will find them in this insightful book ‘The Power of the Prophetic Blessing’ by John Hagge, a man who is in God’s blessing. No matter whom you are or what you have, it’s the blessing of the Lord that will give you peace, why don’t you get a copy of this book to learn how to be blessed by God.

Source and Original Content by ToluBooks

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