How to Know You are NOT a Church Revitalizer or Replanter – Revitalize & Replant #051


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Being a revitalizer or replanter is not for everyone. Today we discuss seven considerations to help you decide whether it might be for you or not.

Today’s Listener Question:


I finished seminary a couple years back and am on staff at an established church currently, but I’m possibly feeling the call to lead a church replant in a neighboring county. I’m just not sure it’s my selfish desire or the Lord telling me to go. I’m just not sure I’m the right kind of person for this task, or if I should stay on staff where I am. I listened to Episode 34 on how to know if you’re a replanter. But what about some reasons or ways to know if I’m not a replanter and should just be faithful in my current ministry?

Episode Highlights:

  • You have to consider the impact on your family when deciding whether or not to take a new job.
  • If you have to have constant and quick wins to keep you motivated in ministry, revitalization efforts might not be a good fit for you.
  • In today’s church culture, more than five years of tenure is seen as being a long-term leader.
  • The comparison game will eat you alive as a pastor.
  • If your church is not connected to its community, there’s a problem.

The seven reasons we discuss are:

  1. If you don’t have your family’s support
  2. If you must have quick results to be motivated
  3. If you can’t see beyond five years
  4. If you can’t get away from church comparisons
  5. If you can’t see…

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Click here to read the rest of the story from our content source/partners – Thom Rainer.

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