TREM 14 August 2018 Daily Devotional


Topic: Your Restoration Is Coming [TREM 14 August 2018 Daily Devotional]

“And the man increased exceedingly, and had much cattle, and maidservants, and menservants, and camels, and asses”. Genesis 30:43 KJV

According to the scriptures, Jacob labored for Laban for 14 years and Laban cheated him. Jacob was going to leave the house of Laban without anything. His wage was changed ten times. He was already in a very difficult situation. He was frustrated and discouraged. Then Laban came to him and said look I have cheated you but this time around let’s strike a good deal. I want you to determine what your wages will be. Jacob said to him that’s okay by me. Every spotted and every coloured sheep, goat, and ram will be my portion. Let us separate them and in the night, Laban, therefore, sent his sons to remove the ones that were coloured which were to be Jacob’s wages.

Think of it. I don’t know if you have worked under cheater masters before. But God did what has never been done before. My God will fight your battles. They will restore what has been taken from you. The bible says when a thief is caught he will restore seven folds what he has taken. I declare restoration in your life. Never give in to anyone on the face of this earth. Who told you that the enemy will finish you when Jesus had already said it is finished? That declaration ended anything that will finish you. Sickness and diseases will not finish you. Disappointment will not finish you. Fear will not finish you.

God revealed to Jacob a strategy on how to transfer the wealth of Laban. And suddenly the whole cattle and sheep began to give birth to coloured rams and goats. All the weak animals became Laban’s and the strong ones became Jacob’s.

I declare that your years of toiling are over. It is your moment of restoration and rest. I will certainly hear your testimony.

Further Reading: Genesis 30:25-43, Joel 2:23-27

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 89-90; Evening- Romans 14

“If you missed yesterday devotional click HERE to read TREM Daily Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo’’

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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