New Jersey Church Raises $25,000 to Aid Christians Persecuted by ISIS

Photo: Mark R. Sullivan/Staff Photographer (Photo: Mark R. Sullivan/Gannett)

As religious and ethnic violence spreads across portions of Syria and Iraq, one Wall church worked to raise more than $25,000 for Christians persecuted by extremists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.

Pastors of Grace Bible Church handed over a check for $25,752 Sunday morning to an organization that will purchase supplies for the Christians fleeing from or living within areas threatened or controlled by ISIL.

Half of the money will be used to purchase 400 to 500 plastic emergency packs stuffed with blankets, clothing, hats, gloves and soap, and the other half of the donation will purchase mattresses and heaters.

Christians have been fleeing cities under ISIL’s control, and though estimating refugee and population numbers in war zones is difficult, various news agencies estimate that tens of thousands of Christians have fled portions of Syria and Iraq. Nearly 2 million people from various minority groups have fled the region, according to a United Nations undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief…Read More

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