Activist Group Threatens School with Lawsuit Over Bible Distribution


A prominent atheist activist organization has threatened to file a lawsuit against a Georgia school district if it allows a well-known Bible distribution ministry to continue to offer Bibles to public school students.

The Madison, Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent a letter on Friday to the superintendent of the Bartow County School System after Gideon International reportedly distributed Bibles at Cloverleaf Elementary School earlier this month. The organization asserts that the distribution is unconstitutional.

“We understand that teachers announced the Bible distribution and sorted their students into those wanting Bibles and others,” the letter, written by staff attorney Andrew Seidel, outlined. “In our complainant’s class, only one child (not our complainant’s) refused to take a Bible. … The teacher then walked the students to the library, and, leading by example, took a bible from the adult male that set up shop in the public elementary school library.”

FFRF then asserted that the distribution was unlawful because it took place while school was in session, and because a teacher was involved. It stated that the practice makes students who do not want a copy of the Bible to feel ostracized and claimed that the sole student who declined was “teased…Read More

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