Our Daily Bread 2 September 2018 Devotional – Strength for Your Journey


Topic: Strength for Your Journey [Our Daily Bread 2 September 2018 Devotional]

Read: Habakkuk 3:16–19, Bible in a Year: Psalms 137–139; 1 Corinthians 13

The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. Habakkuk 3:19

Hinds Feet on High Places, a classic allegory of the Christian life, is based on Habakkuk 3:19. The story follows the character Much-Afraid as she goes on a journey with the Shepherd. But Much-Afraid is scared so she asks the Shepherd to carry her.

The Shepherd kindly replies, “I could carry you all the way up to the High Places myself, instead of leaving you to climb there. But if I did, you would never be able to develop hinds’ feet, and become my companion and go where I go.”

Much-Afraid echoes the questions of the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk (and if I’m honest, my questions too): “Why must I experience suffering?” “Why is my journey difficult?”

Habakkuk lived in Judah in the late seventh century bc before the Israelites were taken into exile. The prophet found himself in a society that overlooked social injustice and was immobilized by the fear of imminent invasion by the Babylonians (Habakkuk 1:2–11). He asked the Lord to intervene and remove suffering (1:13). God replied that He would act justly but in His timing (2:3).

In faith, Habakkuk chose to trust the Lord. Even if the suffering did not end, the prophet believed that God would continue to be his strength.

We too can take comfort that the Lord is our strength to help us endure suffering and will also use the most challenging of life’s journeys to deepen our fellowship with Christ.

Prayer: God, sometimes my suffering seems too much to bear. Help me to trust You and continue to walk with You on this journey.

We can trust the Lord to be our strength in tough times.

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Our Daily Bread Devotionals HERE

This message was written By Lisa Samra [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]

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