Determination: The Secret To Success by David Ibiyeomie


Determination: The Secret To Success By David Ibiyeomie

Topic — Determination: The Secret To Success

Determination is the act of coming to a decision of fixing or setting a purpose. It makes you to keep trying to achieve something that is difficult. Determination is the vision that fuels passion. Nothing great has ever being achieved without determination. What separates the successful from the failure is determination.

Thomas Edison persisted through many failures; he was determined to succeed. So, never give up on your dreams. Obstacles are only stepping stones for miracles. As a child of God, you should have long range goals to keep you from frustration of short range failures.

Heb. 12:2 – Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. {NIV}

Jesus did not allow the temporary challenge affect His long-term vision. Therefore, don’t allow the short term challenges you are facing affect your long term goal.


Every time God wants to lift you, you must be determined because opposition will come due to envy. Isaac was envied among the Philistines. They kept covering his wells of water out of envy but he did not throw in the towel. He kept digging until they left him alone. No matter the challenges you face, never lose sight of your goal.

Prov.24:16 – For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

That you had one challenge does not mean that you should give up; don’t give up easily because there is no success without determination. A wise man said: Many of the world great failures did not realize how close they were to success before they gave up. It is not because things are difficult that made you not to dare; it is because you do not dare that makes things difficult. A wise man said: I will go anywhere as long as it is forward.

You can be intelligent and talented without reaching the top. Until you make up your mind never to quit, you will remain a part 95% of group of people who never tasted success. Don’t settle for mediocrity; stop mourning and complaining about how life had treated you because the world is not blessed by talkers but by people who are determined to make success out of it. Persevere, keep the momentum going and cross the finish line to be a success. I see you succeed in the name of Jesus!

People are things can stop you temporarily but only you can stop yourself permanently. My friend, don’t give up; determine to succeed. Determination to succeed starts with a desire. Determination will birth ability which will propel action and action will generate results. As you determine, you will succeed in the name of Jesus!

Don’t let disappointments, failures, discouragements, tough times, oppositions, problems, misfortunes or defeat keep you down; refuse to quit because quitters never win and winners never quit. Persevere against all odds and succeed.

Gen.32:26 – And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

Jacob did not take a no for an answer, he wrestled until he was changed from a person to a nation. He did not give up irrespective of the pain he was going through when his joint bone shifted; he persisted. Push your way through and break through the cloud. There may be challenges but don’t give up because you will soon enter your rest in the name of Jesus!

Satan will not oppose you if you don’t have something great. Every time you see opposition, it is an indication that God’s hand is involved and satan is fighting to resist it. Satan does not attack those who have nothing to offer.

1 Cor.16:9 – For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.

Every opposition is contending for your position but persevere against all odds and you will succeed. Determination can change an individual to a nation. If you want to be great; don’t give up. You can be small now but with determination, your life will turn around. Great is your future!!

God bless you

Also Read: Other Inspiring Messages by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

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