Bible Christmas Knowledge Lacking in Christian Brits


Only one percent of the UK population knows that the Bible doesn’t say Jesus was born in a stable, according to a new poll carried out on behalf of the Bible Society.

Ninety percent of people also said that there were three ‘Wise Men’ who visited Jesus after his birth, with just 3% of adults who correctly identified the Bible also doesn’t state how many there were.

Just 20% of adults knew that it was the actually Shepherds who first visited Jesus after his birth, with almost double that number under the impression that it was the Wise Men (36%) and the same proportion (36%) believing the Shepherds and Wise Men arrived together.

Just under one third, only 30% of adults, correctly identified that Mary and Joseph were betrothed when she found out she would give birth to Jesus, with a higher proportion (35%) stating that they were married. A further 6% thought they were either on their first date or had never met.

Just under two thirds of those questioned (60%) of adults couldn’t identify what the angels said to the Shepherds while tending to their flock.

Just 40% correctly stated that it was “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to all men”, with other responses including “Go to Nazareth now” (40%) and “Be very afraid” (4%).

Ben Whitnall, Bible Society spokesman urged people to read the Bible to find out what really happened when Jesus was born, speaking to Premier, he said: “If they’re looking in a Bible on their shelf, maybe they’ve got one in the attic; it’s in the first couple of chapters of Matthew and Luke.

“So right at the start of the New Testament, two of the four gospels and the very first couple of chapters of those. But if you stick Matthew 1 or Luck 1 into a search engine, you’ll find it there as well.”

Source and Original Content by Premier Christian Radio