Prudent Family Life (Part 2) By Pastor Faith Oyedepo


Prudent Family Life (Part 2) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Prudent Family Life (Part 2)

Dear Reader,

Last week, I taught on prudence in financial matters. This week, I will be exploring the topic: Creative Thinking.

Creative thinking means looking at something in a new way. The Scripture says: I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions (Proverbs 8:12) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). God’s Word declares that you have a sound mind. Thus, with that, you do not have to watch things go from bad to worse in your home; but, rather, from good to best. For instance, you can invent sound ways to get out of financial hardship. I have heard some women say, “My husband does not give me enough money for the upkeep of the house.” Then if you ask the man, he says, “What can I do? I am not getting enough from my job,” or “Business was bad last month.”

God’s intention is for you to enjoy a blissful family. You might have been faced with diverse challenges but it is not God’s will for your family. The truth is that you can change that ugly situation into an enviable one today. Before the year ends, you need to sit down and think of a way out.

According to A A Allen, “Before one can walk as Christ walked, and talk as He talked, he must first begin to think as Christ thought.” ―

Believers have a double advantage over the unbelievers, because we are created in the image of God with ingenious potentials, we also have the gift of a sound mind (the mind of Christ). 1 Corinthians 2:16 says: For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. However, to be creative, you must be ready to:

1. Take a step

You must be ready to take a step that will involve using your sound mind to create honest alternative means of livelihood. Husbands you have to stir up that mind that Christ has given you. No godly man should be found sitting at home saying he has no job! Your responsibility is to create something that will yield profit for you. That is why I often say, marriage is not for the jobless. It is for those who know what it takes to make marriage work. The Scripture says: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

Wives, if you are waiting until the money your husband gives you is enough to meet all your needs, you will wait endlessly! You have the mind of Christ; so be creative!

Also Read: Making Quality Decisions (Part 3) By Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Don’t you know that it is not necessarily the soup with the most expensive ingredients that is the most delicious? Sit down and think! “With what I have, how can I get the best food for my family?” Now, creativity does not only help you use what you have, it compels you to innovate new things even from old things. For example, the food that has stayed overnight does not have to be thrown away; you can turn it into another meal. Moreover, clothes, and even pieces of furniture can be re-sprayed or refurbished with new fabrics. The woman has a great role to play in determining the way the home looks. I pray that if you are a woman, you will rise up to the task and put your sound mind to use.

2. Stop complaining: My husband usually says that complaining will only end up complicating your matters. Can you imagine Jesus Christ complaining that He has no job? Impossible! Jesus, the wisdom of God, always knew what to do. Now you have the mind of Christ, so sit down and think of a way out! Create a job for yourself! Unfortunately, a complainer will always remain at the same spot, because his/her complaints will not allow for productivity. Moreover, one who complains will always see something wrong, not working, or even not good enough; instead of finding ways to get things done and ways to turn their marital trials to marital triumphs. May you be delivered from the spirit of complaining.

3. Stir your mind with God’s Word: As you read His Word, it stirs up your dead mind, opening you up to divine ideas. Them hath he filled with wisdom of heart, to work all manner of work, of the engraver, and of the cunning workman, and of the embroiderer, in blue, and in purple, in scarlet, and in fine linen, and of the weaver, even of them that do any work, and of those that devise cunning work. (Exodus 35:35) God’s Word carries creative power. His Word is an eye opener; makes you see what others don’t see and hear what others don’t hear, thereby putting you ahead. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. (Psalm 32:8)

You must be determined to keep the destiny of your family alive. Do not wait for life to deliver to you what it wants. You must make up your mind that by your hands, you will make your marriage count according to God’s purpose for it. So, understand that a marriage instituted without the couples working will end up in a mirage!

To have the mind of Christ, you need to invite Jesus into your life. If you are not yet born again and you desire to do so right now, please pray this prayer with faith in your heart: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for delivering me from sin and satan to serve the living God and thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! If you prayed this simple prayer of faith with me, you are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave you. Read your Bible daily, obey God’s Word and seek Christian fellowship (John 14:21).

With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace in Jesus’ Name! Call or write to share your testimonies with me through, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building a Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).

“Please click HERE to read other inspiring articles by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Pastor Faith Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.

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