Prayers for UK Health Worker with Ebola


The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has urged people to pray for the first health worker to be diagnosed with ebola on British soil.

On Sunday, the British aid worker flew back to Glasgow from Sierra Leone, where she was treating patients with ebola with Save the Children.

She was placed in an isolation unit on the Monday morning when she began showing symptoms.

This morning, she was flown to the Royal Free Hospital in London for specialist treatment in a military plane.

The Royal Free Hospital is the same hospital where British aid worker William Pooley was treated.

Most Rev Welby said via Twitter: “The Ebola of the Glasgow Health worker shows the courage of those serving in S Leone, we owe them thanks and respect, let us pray for her.”

The Scottish government’s confirmed a second person is being tested for the ebola virus. Meanwhile, another person is being tested in Cornwall.

The ebola virus has killed nearly 8000 people in the West African countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to the World Health Organisation.

Source and Original Content by Premier Radio News