‘Cross of Christ’ Video Billboard Set Up In Times Square


The apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis is hoping that, in addition to millions of people witnessing the famous ball dropping in Times Square on New Year’s Eve, multitudes will also see its video billboard displayed nearby with a cross and reminder to Americans of the “religious freedoms they enjoy.”

“I am thrilled that the Cross of Christ will be seen in the most-watched place in the world on this day,” Ken Ham, AiG president, stated.

AiG officials said that whether people in the U.S. hold to the worldviews of Christianity, atheism, Judaism, and other belief systems, religious freedom must be defended.

The digital video board will air for seven minutes per hour each day, Dec. 30 through Jan. 1, 2015, including during the final minutes of 2014. AiG says about 3 million impressions will be totaled at Times Square over the three days.

“Millions of TV viewers watching the ball drop on Wednesday evening — signaling the start of the New Year — may also be seeing the new video,” AiG states.

The video board is located above the CNN sign on Broadway, between 46th and 47th Streets in Duffy Square. It has been posted to take advantage of a massive crowd in downtown New York City on Wednesday evening, as well as a huge global audience watching the ball drop on TV…Read More

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