Nicky Gumbel and Archbishop John Sentamu encourage prayer for the media


Christians in the UK church have written prayers for the media to mark a day of prayer, designated by the group Christians in Media. 

Most Rev John Sentamu, Archbishop of York thanked God for the bravery of journalists facing danger abroad: “Lord Jesus Christ, you speak and bring all that is seen and unseen into being: we give you thanks for the gift of the media to reach the far flung places of the earth with messages of hope and life.

“We give you thanks for those who risk their security and even their lives to expose injustice and to bring news of hope. May they strive to be the bearers of good news that all people may come to know the abundant life for which we have been created; and yet more wonderfully redeemed in Jesus Christ. We offer our prayer in your name, in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father. Amen.”

Holy Trinity Brompton leader, Rev Nicky Gumbel, prayed for protection: “Lord, thank you for all those in a position to help ‘point our lives in the right direction’ and for your Holy Spirit who strengthens us in this endeavour. Thank you for all those working in our local and national media and we ask you to guide them to bring truth, knowledge, wisdom and insight into our personal lives and our national life. Guard them against any who would wish to use them for ill and empower them by your Spirit to stand up for what is good.”