Our Daily Bread 23 November 2018 Devotional – A Mother’s Love


Topic: A Mother’s Love [Our Daily Bread 23 November 2018 Devotional]

Read: Psalm 91:1–6, Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 20–21; James 5

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Psalm 91:15

When Sue’s parents divorced when she was young, the legal tussle over her custody and other matters resulted in her being sent to a children’s home for a while. Bullied by bigger kids, she felt lonely and abandoned. Her mother visited only once a month, and she hardly saw her father. It was only years later, however, that her mother told her that while the home’s rules prevented her from visiting more often, she had stood at the fence every single day, hoping to catch a glimpse of her daughter. “Sometimes,” she said, “I would just watch you playing in the garden, just to check if you were okay.”

When Sue shared this story, it gave me a glimpse of God’s love. Sometimes we may feel abandoned and alone in our struggles. How comforting it is to know that God is in fact watching over us all the time! (Psalm 33:18). Even though we can’t see Him, He is there. Like a loving parent, His eyes and His heart are constantly on us wherever we go. Yet, unlike Sue’s mom, He can act on our behalf at any time.

Psalm 91 describes God delivering, protecting, and lifting up His children. He is more than a refuge and a shelter. As we navigate the dark valleys of life, we can take comfort in the knowledge that the all-powerful Lord is watching over us and is active in our lives. “I will answer [you],” He declares. “I will be with [you] in trouble, I will deliver [you]” (v. 15).

Prayer: Lord, thank You for the assurance that we’re always under Your watchful care.

Our heavenly Father is ever near.

Psalm 91 celebrates the safety and security of those who trust in God, who have made the Lord (the Most High) their refuge, fortress, and dwelling place (vv. 2, 9). The psalmist affirms that our God is powerful and faithful and therefore trustworthy (vv. 1–8). He also testifies of God’s protection and deliverance in a dangerous and destructive world (vv. 9–16). In the New Testament, Satan misquoted verses 11–12 to tempt Jesus to test God’s protection by jumping from the top of the temple (Matthew 4:6). In response, Jesus says that God’s promise is for those who love and obey Him (Psalm 91:14–15) and not for those who presume upon God’s grace (Matthew 4:7).

K. T. Sim

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Our Daily Bread Devotionals HERE

This message was written By Leslie Koh [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]

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