Joyce Meyer Devotional 29 November 2018 — Avoid the Slingers


Topic: Avoid the Slingers [Joyce Meyer Devotional 29 November 2018]

There were people in the Bible called “slingers” who defeated their enemies by slinging stones and throwing dirt into their wells, contaminating their life source of water (see 2 Kings 3:25).

We all know people who sling accusation, judgment, criticism, and faultfinding at others. We certainly don’t want slingers in our life, and we don’t want to become slingers either.

Don’t be a slinger who contaminates your own faith or the faith of those around you. Spending time with God will fill you with “living water” (see John 7:38). You will be edified and become a source of encouragement for others all day long.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I know it’s only through spending time with You that I can become a source of encouragement and blessing to others. Help me to protect this time and seek You diligently. Help me to become someone who is full of faith and who strengthens the faith of others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Joyce Meyer Daily Devotional HERE’’

From Joyce Meyer’s Ministries.

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