Divine Preservation Through the Word of God By Pastor Paul Enenche



1. Understanding the preservation power of the Word of God
2. Understanding how the Word of God preserves

The commandments are the preservative of God’s people (Deut. 6:24)
The Word of God is a Preserver of life and destiny (Ps. 40:11; John 17:17)

1. The Word of God kept Jacob alive through a 21-year journey in a foreign land (Gen. 28:12, 15; 31:38-40; 31:24, 27-29; 32:1)
If God is your help, man may hate you but they cannot harm you!

2. The Word of God kept Peter above the storm; It kept him from sinking and dying in the storm (Matt. 14:28-29)

3. The Word of God kept Paul the Apostle and all those who travelled with him alive in the midst of a terrible storm that completely destroyed their ship (Acts 27:22-25)
Nobody who has ever believed God has ever been put to shame


4. The Word of God crossed the Master and His disciples to the other side of the sea alive when the storm was determined not to let them cross (Mark 4:35-41)
If you have the Word you don’t need to fear the storm; before the storm came, the Word of God was on ground
There is no storm you cannot face if you are worded
If you have the Word, even in the midst of the storm you can go to sleep
There is nothing you cannot sleep on top when you have the Word

1. The Word of God is a Shield against the arrows of wickedness (Ps. 91:4)
The Word of God in your life per time, shields your chest from arrows of destruction
The Word of God is your mega shield and your mini shield (Ps. 91:4)
Your revelation is your preservation, defence and protection

2. The Word of God is Light that disarms the forces of darkness (Ps. 119:105; John 1:5)
Everything the devil represents is darkness and the Word of God is Light
You don’t beg or negotiate with darkness if you carry light (John 1:5)

3. The Word of God transmits the life of God and the life of God destroys the forces of death (John 6:63; Phil. 2:16; 1 John 1:1-2; Ps. 16:8-11)

4. The Word of God is Food for faith and faith is tool for victory over the forces of the enemy
(Rom. 10:8, 17; 1 John 5:4; Heb. 11:1; Eph. 6:16)
The Word of God feeds your faith and your faith is your victory over the forces of wickedness

5. The Word of God activates the ministry of angels and angels are supernatural forces of preservation (Ps. 103:20; John 1:51; Ps. 91:11; 34:7)
Angels hearken to the words that we speak
Angels ascend and descend upon the Word (John 1:51)
The ministry of the Word equals the ministry of angels

1. The Word you speak preserves you (Ps. 103:20; 91:11; 34:7; Num. 14:28; Isa. 44:26)
God uses your words to manufacture your defence. When you speak, you are not being braggadocious, you are being realistic and battle-conscious

2. The Word you keep in your heart preserves you (Prov. 3:1-2; Heb. 2:9; Prov. 6:20-22; Lev. 26:6)
Resident revelation is protective revelation
The length of your life is affected by what occupies your heart (Heb. 2:9)
Length of days refers to when God makes your 24 hours longer than usual; it refers to hyper-productivity of days
Long life refers to living a long life; not being cut short before time
Peace refers to living with grace; your youth is renewed
A weapon you have not loaded cannot fire!
When you sleep, your resident revelation will keep you (Prov. 6:22)

3. The Word you live preserves you (Deut. 6:24)
The Word you do, is a tool for your preservation; it keeps you alive

Father, I come before You today and I thank You for Your Word that is a Shield for me, that lightens my darkness, that transmits the life of God, that is food for my faith and tool for my victory, and captivates the ministry of angels. I receive the grace Lord to speak the right Words, to keep Your Word in my heart and to live your Word, in Jesus’ Name.

In the Name of Jesus, I decree against every altar of premature death, destruction, calamity and tragedy set up against my life, family, Dunamis Church and everyone related, connected or associated with this Commission, and set up in this nation, oh you altar, we command you to CATCH FIRE NOW! (Luke 10:19)

In the Name of Jesus, every human agent of premature death, destruction, calamity and tragedy positioned around my life, family, around Dunamis Church, and around this nation for this season, CATCH FIRE!

In the Name of Jesus, every satanic mystery of disaster, and destruction under cover, around my life, family and around Dunamis church, today, you are exposed and dissolved by the Blood of Jesus

In the Name of Jesus, every evil cycle or pattern orchestrated by the enemy in this season against my life, family, Church, city and nation, oh you evil pattern, you are broken by fire NOW!

In the Name of Jesus, every trap or snare of the enemy set for my life, family and every member of Dunamis Church in December 2018, oh you trap catch fire! Be destroyed by fire NOW! (Ps. 124:1-7)

Passover communion; This December season, every adversity, calamity, destruction being organised for you or your loved ones by the devil and his agents, by the speakings of the Blood, they are cancelled; by the tokens of the Blood, your victory is confirmed!

By the release of the Anointing tonight, you are confirmed untouchable!

– Every affliction that followed you here today is returned back to hell!
– The glory in this Sanctuary shall swallow up every shame and reproach you came here with!
– This year shall end well for you
– Every journey or destination God did not ordain for you, you shall not take it!
– Every blood-sucking devil looking for blood to shed in this end of year, they shall not drink your blood or that of your loved ones!
– The expectations of the devil and his agents for your life shall not come to pass! And no devil shall stop your own expectations from coming to pass!
– This Word you are hearing right now shall keep you from every organised danger or disaster
– Everywhere you go be it on the land, sea or air, your preservation is guaranteed by the power of God!
– Every devil looking for you shall receive a visitation from heaven; they shall receive a rebuke from the Lord!
– Where others are sinking, you shall stand by virtue of the Word!
– Every Word of God pertaining your life, family, destiny, pertaining this ministry and everyone connected, related and associated to this ministry, in this season, that Word shall come to pass!
– Everything God has spoken concerning your life, my life and our lives in this season, I decree no storm, force or power shall stop it!
– Every force of darkness looking for you in this season shall be buried!
– Everyone who is a victim of premature death organised for you, I declare its destruction!
– You shall fulfil your days! No devil shall cut you short before your time!

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to contact@faithoyedepo.org, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

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