Kenneth Copeland Devotional 11 December 2018 – Spread Peace This Christmas


Topic: Spread Peace This Christmas [Kenneth Copeland Devotional 11 December 2018]

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. – Luke 2:13-14

Christmas is a very important time of year. It’s a time of year when the whole world is hearing the message of the birth of Jesus. It’s a time when people are tenderhearted…the perfect time to plant seeds of love in the lives of those you meet.

Sometimes those seeds may just take the form of a kind word in the middle of rush-hour shopping. Other times, you may get the opportunity to pray and minister to someone. But whatever the situation, keep a sharp eye out for even the smallest chance to assist people.

I’ve had some outstanding experiences giving a few dollars to someone in need. As they are taking the money, I tell them, “This money is from the Lord Jesus Christ. I serve Him. He is the One who instructed me to help you.”

It’s amazing how many people are ready to hear what you have to say when you say it in love. They’re starved for someone to really care. Be that someone this Christmas season. Spread the Word about the peace that’s available in Jesus. Tell about His goodwill toward men.

Who knows how many of those small seeds may one day take root and bring one more precious person into the glorious kingdom of God?

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-20

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s Daily Devotional Here’’

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.

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