The Word and Last Minute Miracles by Pastor Paul Enenche




  1. Understanding last minute miracles
  2. Understanding how the Word produces last minute miracles

We serve a God of last minute miracles;
we serve a God that is never limited by time and space


  1. Last minute miracles are miracles that happen at the nick of time – when time is almost or literally up
  2. Last minute miracles are miracles that happen when hope is almost or completely lost
  3. Last minute miracles are miracles that happen beyond all feasibility or possibility
  4. Last minute miracles are miracles that happen beyond expectation or anticipation – they come with an element of surprise
  5. Last minute miracles are miracles that happen when prevailing situations have been accepted as unchangeable


  1. Peter and the frustration of fruitless labour (Luke 5:1-7)
  2. The widow of Zarephath in the season of scarcity and shortage (1Kings 17:9-16)
  3. The Shunammite woman who was no longer in expectation of childbirth (2Kings 4:12-17)
  4. The resurrection of the widow’s son of Nain (Luke 7:11-12)


  1. To confirm His Sovereignty and Almightiness
    He does it to confirm that He can overdo, extra-do and super-do
    He does it to let the devil know that he (the devil) is not in control
  2. To bring multiplied praise and glory to His Name (Luke 5:8)
    God does it when it is beyond feasibility and possibility in order for the praise to be mega!
  3. To reveal the limitations of human ability, wisdom or resources
  4. To multiply the joy and the fulfilment of His people
    The end of a long battle brings strong joy
    When the battle is tough, the victory is sweet!
  5. To bury the enemy in surprise
    There are those who cannot stand your rise but God will bury them in surprise


  1. The Revealed Word (Luke 5:4-5)
  2. The Prophetic Word from your prophet (1Kings 17:14-17)
  3. The Obeyed Word (Luke 5:5-6)
    The instruction you argue with will never give you your desired expectation
    The instruction you negotiate can never produce the manifestation you desire
    The distance between your POSITION and your DESTINATION is an instruction
    The distance between your POSITION and your POSSESSION is an instruction

Father, thank You for Your Word to me. To You be all the glory Lord in Jesus’ Name

Father, thank You for the last minute surprises that we are receiving in this season, in Jesus’ Name!

Father, I come before You today in agreement with Your children to connect with last minute miracles. Give me the Revealed Word; I receive the Prophetic Word; show me the Word I must obey in this season for my last minute miracles. Give it to Your children Lord and let everyone of us be partakers of last minute miracles in this last part of 2018 in Jesus’ Name.

Father, as an entity, as a nation, we make demands on last minute miracles for Nigeria our nation, for every part of this nation. We receive it now!

Father, let the triumph of the wicked in Nigeria expire; let the triumph of wickedness at all levels expire; let the triumph of killers, their sponsors, collaborators and sympathisers expire now! (Job 20:5)

Father, let the sword of the wicked turn against each other now!

Father, protect and preserve our military. Give them the wisdom not to lose this war against wickedness. Enough is enough of the wastage of the lives of those that protect us, in Jesus’ Name!

Communion of Speedy manifestation – speedy miracles and testimonies; before the next 24 hours, you shall have a testimony!


  • Every killer and everyone who shed innocent blood, their blood shall go for your blood!
  • You are too connected to be eliminated!
  • In this last hour of 2018, God shall give you a net-breaking, ship-sinking miracle!
  • You will get a last minute miracle in this season
  • Every situation in your life that the devil has told you is not a changeable situation, I am here to announce to you, that situation is reversed! It is cancelled!
  • God is about to bypass your unbelief and your fear to give you your expectation!
  • A miracle that looks too good to be true, God shall do it for you in this season!
  • Everyone who came here with a challenge on your shoulder, the Master is meeting you at that point tonight!
  • I prophesy to you, it will never be too late for my God! When you need the miracle or the intervention you shall see it! God will meet you at the right time and at the right spot!
  • God is about to do something in your life that is beyond your imagination and the imagination of those who know you!
  • Whether the devil likes it or not, you are going to celebrate and jubilate your way into next year!
  • Get ready for joy that will hit you, your family and friends because of the God of last minute miracles!
  • So far as God lives, your joy in this season, no devil can take it!
  • God is about to do something in your life that those who cannot accommodate it shall be buried by the shock!
  • What God is about to do will not only shock those who hate you, it will also shock you!
  • 31st December is not permitted to arrive until God gives you a last minute miracle!
  • When God gives you that last minute miracle, even those who knew you before will find it hard to recognize your change
  • The greatest miracle you have received shall happen before the end of this year!
  • Every single day till 31st December there shall be multiple miracles!
  • Whatever instruction will change your position in this season, may God release it for you
  • Even overnight, between now and the morning, God shall give you a change of story!
  • At this tail end of 2018, my God and your God will confirm His Almightiness in your life!
  • That miracle that will multiply your praise and increase your jubilation is released for you!
  • That last minute miracles that will take the enemy by surprise is released for you!
  • This Christmas shall be the best Christmas of your life! This last part of the year shall be your best part of the year!
  • Every sorrow packaged for you in this season is returned back to hell!
  • Systems are put under pressure until all they contain for you is released into your hands
  • In this season, the activity of robbers, killers and kidnappers around your life and family is cancelled and neutralised by the Blood of Jesus!
  • Every one whose loved one is in any form of captivity, tonight, I declare, they are released! I make demands on the ministry of angels, they are released to go into the camp of the wicked and bring your loved ones out!
  • Everyone who came in here tonight with any form of physical affliction, that affliction is uprooted by Fire!

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

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