TREM Devotional 26 December 2018 – Work Towards Your Destiny


Topic: Work Towards Your Destiny [TREM Devotional 26 December 2018]

“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” – Phil. 2:12

Child of God, destiny is never conferred on any person, destiny is God’s agenda, but it is your responsibility to work towards your destiny. Like I always say, nothing falls on you like a bag of cherries; if you see anything working, beloved, someone worked it out. You can work your way towards your destiny. Don’t sit down and fold your hands. You have a part to play.

Yes, the thoughts of God towards you are thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end, but you have a part to play to get to that expected end. One thing that you must know very clearly today is that any prayer that puts the sole responsibility of the miracle on God is an irresponsible prayer. For every move of God, there is the God-part and the man-part. You must be ready to play your part for you to arrive at destiny. Apostle Paul told the Phillipa church to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. Beloved, roll your sleeves and get to work, don’t sit on the chair of laziness, otherwise you will fast and pray until your eyes are blue and yet not get to destiny, but that will not be your portion in Jesus’ name. We are ending a year and a new year is about to start. Don’t wait to start the year to set the right routine for progress. Plan your life and work your plan and God’s blessing will rest on it.

I therefore challenge you my dearly beloved to arise and take your place, be sensitive to the Spirit of God and do everything as if it all depends on you, but pray as if it all depends on God. When your part meets with God’s part, your victory is guaranteed. I prophesy over you that 2019 will answer to you in Jesus’ name.

Further Reading: Phil. 2: 12 – 18; Jer. 19: 8 – 14

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Haggai; Evening- Revelation 17

“If you missed yesterday devotional click HERE to read TREM Daily Devotional by Dr. Mike Okonkwo’’

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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