Taking Spiritual Stock by Pastor Paul Enenche



SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Embarking on a spiritual overview of the journey so far

We are here to look back at the year in order to step into the year ahead


  1. What you do with the past determines what the future will do with you
  2. The understanding of the past can facilitate the undertakings of the future
  3. It is not advisable to live in history but it is commendable to learn from history
    To live in history is to end in misery
  4. To learn from the past is to lead in the future
  5. The successful closure of the last chapter facilitates the successful opening of the next chapter


  1. Identify what to appreciate God for in this passing year (Ps. 103:1-5; 150:6)
    Praise God for life, breath, and health
    The devil that could not stop your breath cannot stop your testimony (Ps. 150:6)
  2. Identify principles or secrets that worked for you (or for others) that must be reworked again and again (1Tim. 4:14-15)
    Results become phenomenal when actions become consistent
    Progress is steady when practice is steadfast
    It takes the repetition of the positive to see revolution in life
    Consistency is key to breakthrough
  3. Identify what to do differently in the coming season (Deut. 1:6-7)
    Every turnaround requires a turn aside
    At times, it takes a change of approach to terminate your reproach
    Insanity is defined as doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result
    At times, to make a difference you must do something different
  4. Identify what (and who) to put behind you (Phil. 3:13-14)
    You can never lay hold on certain things until you let go of some other things
    You must know the difference between your priorities and your posteriorities in order to fulfil your destiny
    To fulfil your destiny, you must know what to put in front of you and what to leave behind you
    Life becomes stuck on the same spot when you are holding what you are meant to put in front and that which you are meant to leave behind you at the same time
    It is only when you drop your ‘weights’ that you can gain your speed
    When you travel light, you travel far and travel fast
  5. Identify what you have learnt in this passing year that will remain with you (John 8:32)
    The universe is a university; everything is saying something
    Identify lessons learnt for successful ministry, successful marriage etc.
    Progress is never made until lessons are being learnt
    Progress is the proof of learning
    Liberty is the product of learning (John 8:32)
    The project of God will attract the budget of God!
    With God don’t struggle with anything


  1. Appreciation brings multiplication (John 6:11-12)
  2. Instructions and Illumination bring both transformation and distinction (Isa. 60:1)
  3. Correction brings acceleration and elevation (Phil. 3:13-14)
    If you cannot be corrected, you cannot be affected; if you cannot collect advise, you can’t advance
    People that are too big to learn are too small to lead

Father, in the Name of Jesus, we decree the release of everyone in the captivity of ritualists and kidnappers. Before tomorrow, we decree their release!

Father, I will cross over without carry over in Jesus’ Name.


  • God will use you as a point of contact to save the whole of your family
  • Everyone in the captivity of killers and kidnappers, be released in a hurry!
  • No devil will shed your blood or share your blood!
  • You are too connected to be wasted!
  • You will not serve God in vain! Everyone who knows you will see the benefit of your service to God
  • Every limitation that has been placed over your life and destiny is hereby lifted!
    What the devil said you shall not become, you shall become!
  • You shall matter to your generation
  • Wherever they are mentioning significant matters concerning your life and destiny, you shall be at the forefront!
  • Every death looking for you is returned back to hell!
  • What killed others in your family shall not kill you!
  • Every frustration of your destiny is arrested!
  • Whatever remains to be perfected in your life this year, before 31st December, it shall be perfected!
  • Whatever testimony remains to manifest in your life, before 31st December, that testimony shall be manifested!
  • Every last minute pain, confrontation, and frustration organised for you by the enemy, they are cancelled!
  • We decree in this last minute of 2018, no more casualty and bloodshed!
  • Every demonic attack planned by the enemy to usher in sorrow and pain is hereby cancelled!

You can READ other MESSAGES from same author by clicking HERE

Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to contact@faithoyedepo.org, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

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