The Beginning of Our Era of Dominion by David Oyedepo



What is Dominion?
In our context:

  • Being in control of the affairs of life – Gen. 1:26/28/Jn. 6:5-13
  • Having it always the way one wants it always – Mat. 8:8-10/13
  • Being in command in one’s field of endeavour – Dan. 1: 17- 21/Dan. 6:1-3
  • Having authority from on high to reign in life – Mak. 11:28-30/Rev. 5:9-10/Dan. 7:25-27

We have Dominion Heritage in Christ

  • We are redeemed to walk in dominion – Rom. 5:17/Rev. 5:9-10
  • God has subjected al things under Christ for the Church – Eph. 2:6
  • We are now seated in heavenly places far above all principalities and powers and dominions – Eph. 1:20-21
  • From the beginning God ordained light to rule the earth and the redeemed are the light of the world – Gen. 1:14-16/Mat. 5:14

We are in the Last Days, The Dominion Era of the Church

  • The end-time Church is ordained a reigning Church – Ps. 110:1-3/Mic. 4:1-2
  • God has determined to bring all nations under the dominion of the Church in these last days – Luke 12:32/Is. 9:6/Dan. 7:27
  • Walking in the light of scriptures is walking in dominion – Jn. 1:1-57/Jn. 8:12/Jn. 9:5
  • It is by the light of the Word that we rule and reign in life – Heb. 1:3/Is. 60:1-3/Eph. 1:17-22
  • God shall be causing waves by His Word on the earth in these last days – Mic. 4:1-2 /Ps. 110:1-2
  • In these last days, God shall be confirming that the heavens do rule on the earth – Dan. 4:74-26: Dan. 7:27/ Eph. 1:22
  • We are in the last days, the days of explosive Church growth, when Churches like nations shall continue to rise – Isa. 2:1-3/Zch. 8:20-23/Mat.16:18
  • We are in the last days, the days of the rise of giants in the body of Christ – Obd. 21/Jer. 30:19-21/ Ps. 87:1-7

How to Walk in Dominion

  • We command dominion in this world of darkness by light – Gen. 1:14-19/Is. 60:1-3/19-22
  • And as we walk in the light, we continue to command dominion – Eph. 5:8/Is. 60:1-3
  • As we are guided by the light of the Word, we continue to command dominion – Psa. 119:105/Deu. 28:1-3
  • We access our inheritance in Christ by the light of the Word – Act. 20:32/2Pet 1:3
  • God rules the world by the power of His Word – Heb. 1:3
  • God’s power with which He rules the world is hidden in His word – Heb. 1:3/Psa. 66:7/Rom. 1:16
  • Every provision of the kingdom delivers according to the level of our spiritual insight in the Word – Mat. 13:23/Pr. 4:7-8/1Tim. 4:13/15
  • We walk in dominion by the light of His Word – Exo. 7:1/Ps. 82:5-7/Jn. 10:35
  • Whatever we see, we automatically believe and what we believe we are supernaturally empowered to become – Gen. 13:13-15/Jn. 20:24-29/Jn 1:12
  • All that reigned supernaturally in bible history reigned by light, such as:

  • Joseph – Gen. 41:5-16/38-44
  • Daniel – Dan. 5:11/Dan. 6:1-3
  • Solomon – 1 Kgs 3:12/1 Kgs 4:29-34
  • Paul. – 2 Pet 3:15/Act. 19:14-15

It is Time to Take Dominion

  • Moses had to take the rod to command dominion in Egypt and all through the wilderness to the promised land – Exo. 4:17/Exo. 16:35
  • We must take responsibility to engage with the revelation of dominion from henceforth – Eph. 5:8/Jn 12:35-36

Therefore, as earlier declared, the prophetic theme for the year is:

winners chapel 2019 dominion 1

2019 I Have Dominion – Dan. 7 27

Congratulations and welcome to your era dominion.

Jesus is Lord!

Bishop David Oyedepo
Living Faith Church Worldwide, Inc.
Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota-Lagos.

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