Our Daily Bread 11 January 2019 Devotional – Jesus Is Right Behind You


Topic: Jesus Is Right Behind You [Our Daily Bread 11 January 2019 Devotional]

Bible in a Year: Genesis 29–30; Matthew 9:1–17

Whatever you did for one of the least of these . . . you did for me. – Matthew 25:40

Today’s Scripture & Insight: Matthew 25:37-40

My daughter was ready for school a little earlier than usual, so she asked if we could stop by the coffee shop on our way. I agreed. As we approached the drive-thru lane, I said, “Do you feel like spreading some joy this morning?” She said, “Sure.”

We placed our order, then pulled up to the window where the barista told us what we owed. I said, “We’d like to pay for the young woman’s order behind us too.” My daughter had a huge smile on her face.

In the grand scheme of things, a cup of coffee may not seem like a big deal. Or is it? I wonder, could this be one way we carry out Jesus’s desire for us to care for those He called “the least of these”? (Matthew 25:40). Here’s a thought: How about simply considering the person behind us or next in line a worthy candidate? And then do “whatever”—maybe it’s a cup of coffee, maybe it’s something more, maybe something less. But when Jesus said “whatever you did” (v. 40) that gives us a great deal of freedom in serving Him while serving others.

As we drove away we caught the faces of the young woman behind us and the barista as she handed over the coffee. They were both grinning from ear to ear.

Today’s Reflection
Lord, help me not to overthink serving others. Sometimes the small, simple things mean more than I’ll ever know. And help me to remember that whatever I do for others, I’m doing for You.

If you missed yesterday devotional, please click to read “Our Daily Bread Devotionals HERE

This message was written By John Blase [Our Daily Bread Ministries.]

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