Christianity is being pushed into the back room, says Franklin Graham


The Rev. Franklin Graham, head of Samaritan’s Purse and son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, feels that other religions are being brought to the forefront in the U.S. while Christianity is being pushed back.

Graham appeared on WNCN News to discuss his recent comments on Duke University’s decision to end its policy on having an Islamic call to prayer at the campus’ Christian chapel.

He also stated that the U.S. is a nation ‘built on Christian principles and that Americans need to embrace those principles.

“I agree with diversity but what’s happening with this country is all these religions are getting front row and Christians are being pushed — and we’re the majority — are being pushed back to the back of the room,” he said.

“This country was built with Christian principles — it was men and women who believed in God and believed in His Son, Jesus Christ, who built this country. We’re the greatest nation in the history of the world. It wasn’t built by Islam, and it wasn’t built by any other group. It was those who supported and believed in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Graham admitted that America’s forefathers made mistakes along the way — making some aspects of the nation’s history regrettable — however, that does not mean that citizens shouldn’t fight to protect it.

“We’re the greatest nation in the history of the Earth,” he said, “and we have people today that want to destroy what we believe and what we stand for. I think the university needs to understand that the world in which we live today, we’ve been at war now 10 years against terrorists and the terrorists we’ve been fighting are people who support and believe in the Islamic faith.”

He also pointed out that the only Muslims coming out against these recent attacks are those living in the U.S.

“First of all, you don’t have condemnation outside this country,” he said. “You’ll have clerics in this country who’ll condemn these acts. But these acts of terrorism are not condemned by the mullahs in Saudi Arabia or in Egypt, or Iraq or Syria.”

“The reason is,” he continued, “is because the Quran teaches this. And so, if they condemned it they would be condemning the Quran, and they’re not going to condemn the Quran.”

According to Graham, the Islamic holy book permits slavery, and the killing of Jews and Christians.

Graham blasted Duke University last week when the school announced that it would hold the Muslim call to prayer and use its chapel to do so. The school later reversed its decision and will no longer host the event using the Christian house or worship.

Source: Christian Post