More Arab States Turn against Hamas and Support Israel


(Israel)—The New York Times reports that Israel has the unspoken support of Arab states led by Egypt in its war against Hamas, indicating Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have joined Cairo in backing Israel’s anti-terrorist campaign…report by Breaking Christian News

(Photo: Egypt’s President el-Sisi/via Wikipedia)

As reported in Newsmax, the Times pointed to Egypt’s “Arab Spring” as the impetus that began threatening conservative Arab leaders in the Mideast.

Martin Kramer, president of Shalem College in Jerusalem and an expert on the subject, was quoted by the Times as saying the Cairo-led Arab coalition doesn’t want to see Hamas emerge from the conflict as “the most powerful Palestinian player.”

“There is clearly a convergence of interests of these various regimes with Israel,” noted Kramer.

Another Mideast expert, David Miller, agrees. “The Arab states’ loathing and fear of political Islam is so strong that it outweighs their allergy to Benjamin Netanyahu,” he said.

According to the Newsmax report, it is one of the reasons Secretary of State John Kerry has been forced to turn to Qatar and Turkey to seek intermediaries with Hamas, rather than Egypt.

Complete and Original Post by Breaking Christian News