Catholic priest in California bans girls from being altar servers


Christian Today report- A Catholic priest who has been newly assigned to a church in San Francisco has banned girls from serving in the church altars during Mass.

Rev. Joseph Illo, who previously gained notoriety for his statements to people who voted for US President Barack Obama, has barred female altar servers during Mass in the Star of the Sea Church.

According to the SF Gate, Rev. Illo said that the “intrinsic connection” between serving in Mass and priesthood makes it right that there should only be altar boys and no altar girls. He also expressed his intention to start an altar boy programme for the Star of the Sea Church, stating that the programme will be a “male bonding experience.”

The pastor explained that the experience would help mould the boys’ leadership potential and also allow them to socialise with other altar boys in preparation for priesthood.

“Maybe the most important thing is that it prepares boys to consider the priesthood,” the priest said.

Because of Rev. Illo’s decision, the Star of the Sea Church is now the only Church in San Francisco that does not have girls serving at the altar. Girls who have been trained earlier to serve as altar girls will continue to serve in Masses, the SF Gate reported, but training for new female servers will be phased out. Girls can still perform readings during Mass.

The Archdiocese of San Francisco upheld Illo’s decision, with spokesperson Chris Lyford saying in a statement that it is the decision of the parish priest to exclude or include altar girls during Mass.

Rev. Illo invited controversy and criticism in 2008, when he said that parishioners who vote for Obama should make a trip to the confessional.

“Voting for a candidate who promises ‘abortion rights,’ even if he promises every other good thing, is voting for abortion,” Illo, then serving as pastor in Modesto, wrote in a letter to parishioners. “It is a grave mistake and probably a grave sin.”

Source: Christian Today