Trash: Review

(Christian Today)

Christian Today report- At its core Trash is a film that redefines what it means to be family. Think a cross between Slumdog Millionaire, National Treasure and Homeward Bound. This movie is an adventure centered around three boys who live and work at a garbage dump in Rio de Janeiro. While picking through the trash Rafael (Rickson Tevez) finds a wallet with some cash and seemingly ordinary objects. When the police come searching for it the boys realize they have something of real value. The excitement begins as the police try to catch them before they discover what it leads to.

Amid a plethora of films being pumped out of Hollywood with flat, predictable characters, director Stephen Daldry truly brings a breath of fresh air. Each character goes through their own journey and no one is left the same in the end. The themes running through this movie are primal to the human experience. You will find yourself feeling more connected to these characters from a garbage dump in Brazil than you do your own neighbor.

Characters/Acting: 9/10

Rooney Mara instantly steals our heart from the moment she appears on screen in her brief yet captivating performance.

Martin Sheen plays the not-so-perfect Father Juilliard. His character hits the right amount of having human flaws while still being a man of God and loving his community.

Rickson Tevez, our main star, is absolutely dynamic as Raphael. His character shows purity of heart and a willingness to sacrifice everything just “because it is right.” Raphael reminds us all that the greatest act of love is to lay down one’s life for a friend.

The other two boys Rato (Gabriel Weinstein) and Gardo (Eduardo Luis) give the film so much more depth with their radiant performances. The characters throughout will not leave you wanting for authenticity.

Story: 7/10

Trash is a brilliant adventure film. It will grip teens and adults alike. That said, there are moments when you absolutely want to cry but at that threshold of tears, the story takes its foot off the gas and leaves you wishing they had taken it a bit further. It was funny, suspenseful, sad, hopeful, depressing, and encouraging.

Cinematography/Editing: 7/10

We start the film seeing breathtaking shots of Rio then are taken right down into the trash. Shot almost entirely from ground level, the cinematography helps us feel what it is like as a kid running around the streets. The editing was nicely done and allowed the audience to focus on the story and characters without being distracted by over use of effects.

Overall: 7/10

Trash a film I encourage all to see. The message is one that needs to told over and over again, although it eventually begins to feel a bit preachy. Instead of letting the audience discover what that message was, that work was done for them by a voice over at the end. Not knowing when to simply allow the characters’ journey to show the message, nor when to push moments to their full emotional capacity are the only negative aspects to this otherwise tremendously inspiring film.

Source: Christian Today