Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Take Part in Politics


Christian Today report– Reverend Franklin Graham, CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is strongly urging Christians to be more involved in politics in the face of secularists who are denying that Jesus ever existed, the Tea Party Organisation reports.

As much as Christians want to avoid politics, Graham said they have to get involved now because “gays and lesbians are in politics” along with “all the anti-God people.”

As a result, students in public schools are now prevented from praying in public, passing out religious paraphernalia, and even forming Christian clubs.

“I’m here to tell you, church, God loves each and every one, and Christ died for our sins, and we’ve got a responsibility to take this message to the ends of the Earth. And I want to encourage you to take a stand in your communities. Get involved in government,” said Graham.

If Christians do nothing, the evangelist warned that secularists will take control of the country, and their beliefs that Jesus never existed could become standard.

“America has changed and it’s not coming back unless the church takes a stand. Now I’m not talking about Baptists or Republicans or Tea Party. I have no confidence that any of these politicians or any party is going to turn this country around,” Graham explained. “The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to stand up and take a stand.”

Graham just returned from a recent trip to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Burma, which he visited with the Samaritan’s Purse organisation that he heads. “It’s terrible,” he described the countries’ situation. “There is so much suffering in the world. We need to pray for that area of the world.”

He prayed that the Christian youth of today would take on the challenge of improving the conditions in impoverished countries and help spread the word of God there.

Source: Christian Today