Bible Retreat Centre to be Established in Ghana

|(Photo: Reuters)

Christian Today report– A Bible retreat centre may soon be realised in Kitase which will give Christians a conducive venue to meditate and communicate with God. But while plans have already been set, there is still a need to collect funds to assure its completion.

Rev. Erasmus Odonkor, who serves as the General Secretary of the Bible Society in Ghana said that the contractor is now starting clearing operations to prepare the land for the three phase project, which entails the construction of an administrative block, matron’s accommodation, hostel, church and pastor chalets.

The ambitious project is part of the BSG’s flagship programmes for the celebration of its golden jubilee anniversary in Ghana.

As of now, a five-member project steering committee has been formed as well as another five-man tehnical team to ensure that the project progresses smoothly. The Business Plan is already in its final stages while the detailed architectural and structural drawings have already been completed.

However, Odonkor is appealing to benefactors, philantrophists and generous Christians to extend their contributions to fund the project as the BSG is a non profit Christian organisation which only relies on the support of donations sourced locally and internationally to implement its projects.

He said that investing in this project is the organisation’s way of “broadening its services and make income to further support its operations.”

Meanwhile, Rev. Professor Emmanuel Asante, President of the BSG extended his gratitude to those who have supported the organisation for the past five decades.

Among the organisation’s past projects were activities aimed at making God’s word “available and affordable and encouraging its use.” It has held Bible studies, National Council meetings, translation seminars, Bible themed competitions and Days of Prayer. It also has ongoing campaigns to provide youth and soldiers with Bibles, helping people with AIDS and providing audio scriptures for people who cannot read to educate them on God’s word.

The construction of the Bible retreat centre is the biggest project so far and provides the group with an avenue to conduct its activities.

Asante said he is calling for a revolution against sin by setting aside a day for the celebration of the Bible, where Christians across the country would hold programmes focusing on the Bible to create awareness of the word of God.

Source: Christian Today