‘How Many More Christians Must Be Murdered’ by ISIS Before Obama Takes Action, Asks ACLJ

(Photo: Reuters/Muhammad Hamed)

Christian Post report– American Center for Law and Justice Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow has asked “how many more Christians must be murdered” at the hands of terror group ISIS before President Barack Obama decides to take specific action to stop the slaughter.

“It is unacceptable for President Obama, the West and the United Nations to stand idly by and watch the systematic elimination of Christians by radical Islamists,” Sekulow said.

“How many more Christians must be murdered because of their religious beliefs? Without a specific strategy to eliminate this evil, ISIS remains emboldened and continues to use these tragic events to recruit more radical jihadists. It is clear ISIS intends to continue to target and execute Christians. It is time for President Obama to exercise leadership — to assemble a global coalition — and put an effective strategy into action to stop the slaughter of Christians, to put an end to this jihadist war against Christians.”

ISIS kidnapped an estimated 262 Assyrian Christians this week, including women and children, while last week it released a video titled “A Message in Blood to the Nation of the Cross.” In the video, the jihadists beheaded 21 Coptic Christians.

The U.S. and a broad coalition of allies have hit back against ISIS’ advances in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes, but have not committed ground troops to the mission.

Obama’s administration has also repeatedly reminded Americans that Muslims remain the most common targets of ISIS’ attacks.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki spoke out against the kidnappings on Tuesday and said: “ISIS’ latest targeting of a religious minority is only further testament to its brutal and inhumane treatment of all those who disagree with its divisive goals and toxic beliefs.”

The ACLJ insisted that Obama needs to focus specifically on stopping the slaughter and war against Christians, which goes on unabated.

Obama’s foreign policy has also been criticized by Assyrian church leader Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, who said that Western countries have triggered conflicts and destabilized the region, prompting ISIS to carry out attacks against Christians.

“With their disastrous policies — mainly the French and the U.S., with their regional allies, have favored, in fact, the Daesh (ISIS) escalation,” Hindo said following the mass kidnapping of the Assyrian Christians.

“Now they persevere in error, commit strategic, grotesque mistakes such as the announcement of the ‘spring campaign’ to liberate Mosul and insist on interfering with irrelevant interventions, instead of recognizing that their guaranteed support to jihadist groups has led us to this chaos and has destroyed Syria, making us regress 200 years.”

A CBS News poll last week found that for the first time since the war on ISIS began, the majority of Americans, or 57 percent, are in favor of ground troops being sent to fight the militants.

Source: Christian Post