Kierra Sheard Tells Women to Seek Scripture First to Save Themselves From Bad Relationships

Christian Post Report – Kierra Sheard recently debuted her fifth studio album “Graceland.”Kierra Sheard has a message for women who seek to satisfy their lustful urges instead of do things God’s way.”If being nasty got you there, being nasty is what will keep you there. Every once in awhile, a woman wants to just be a lady and carry her grace more than her nasty,” Sheard wrote in a new blog titled, “Don’t Lose Your Nasty, But Use It For When It’s Time..” “It’s hard having peace, where there’s an unrealistic responsibility. Love yourself enough to set real life goals.”

The 28-year-old gospel singing daughter of Grammy Award-winning Karen Clark Sheard, of the gospel music group The Clark Sisters, and Bishop J. Drew Sheard, cautioned people about losing their value because of their sexual exploits.

“Love isn’t all fairy tales and pixie dust, but love shouldn’t make you feel alone or without value. Love may chasten you, but even with that part of love you don’t feel alone,” Sheard wrote. “You may lose your nasty, but you won’t necessarily lose your grace. Go where you’re safe enough to just be you with freedom and grace.”

The singer admitted that she has fallen victim to her “nasty” or lustful nature in the past, and focused on Proverbs 26:11 “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly” to inspire others to overcome those moments.

“Had I not tasted what I wasn’t suppose to prematurely, I would have made better decisions. Had we not known what it tasted like, perhaps we wouldn’t even have a struggle,” she wrote. “Had I not tasted it, I may not have been like the dog returning to its vomit. Do we always have to bump our heads so hard to see why we must do things God’s way?”

While Sheard posed the question about people having sexual desires that are no good, she answered that same question by citing 1 Corinthians 7:3, which states: “The husband should fulfill his wife’s sexual needs, and the wife should fulfill her husband’s needs.”

“Lessons learned,” the singer wrote to conclude her blog post. “I’m doing it God’s way.”

During an interview with The Christian Post last July, Sheard said she was setting standards for herself and only wanted to be involved with a man who was interested in growing and evolving into his best self.

“I always try to make sure I have people around me who are willing to grow and who aren’t wanting or OK with being stagnant. Having said that, there was one guy I was dating for so long but he just has a lot of growing and getting together to do,” the singer revealed to CP. “I loved him, but I was having a hard time letting go, in addition to me being the closest person to him and seeing his potential. That, too, can be very hard.”

Sheard said she once focused on the potential of her former love interest, but realized she couldn’t wait for him to be the person she believed he could be.

“I [could have been] waiting forever, but for nothing. That’s where my heart for my people comes in and it’s attached to my career,” the gospel singer said. “I love to see people do better because I like to do better. It’s so important that we don’t attach ourselves to the wrong thing.”

The singer says she often turns to the Bible for guidance about her personal life, and referenced a passage in Matthew 16:23 where Jesus told his disciple Peter that he had become a stumbling block.

“Jesus talked about a stumbling block when he was talking to Peter. He said, ‘get thee behind me Satan.’ The problem with us is we’re so quick to want to embrace people,” Sheard said. “I read my Bible so I’m able to maintain my personal life.”

Source : Christian Post