New book by cardinals set to clash with Pope

New book by cardinals set to clash with Pope
(Photo: Premier Christianity)

Five conservative cardinals are preparing to publish a book in which they reject moves to allow divorcees to take communion or remarry.

Remaining in the Truth of Christ: Marriage and Communion in the Catholic Church is set to be released next month.

In its introduction, Father Robert Dodaro says: “The authors were united in maintaining firmly that the New Testament shows us Christ who unambiguously prohibits divorce and subsequent remarriage on the basis of God’s original plan for matrimony.”

Pope Francis recently indicated that he would welcome changes in this area.

Last weekend, he married 20 couples at the Vatican, including one bride who was single mother and several who had previously been married.

The issue of marriage is due to be discussed next month when bishops meet at the Vatican.

Church law currently prohibits any remarried divorcees taking Communion during mass.


Source & Original Content by : Premier Christianity