A Brand New Eyes

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic:  A Brand New Eyes [01/05/2017]

And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink. Genesis 21:19. Read: Jn 9:1-9

The vision is located in our sight. When man is blind physically, he is Limited in so many things of life. In the Bible, you find out that many that were blind turned out to be a beggar. Blind Bartimeuas was a beggar, but when his sight were restored by Jesus Christ, he stopped begging. Mk 10:46-52. The man born blind in our Bible reading was also a beggar, when he also received his sight, he stopped begging too. This means that physical blindness turns one into what he don’t actually want.

But there is blindness that is more worse than physical blindness, it’s spiritual blindness. It’s better to be physically blind than to be spiritually blind. Spiritual blindness is a chronic disease that requires immediate and urgent attention, else, it turns to frustration. When you are spiritually blind, you miss opportunities at random, even when they are around you, you won’t see them. Hegar (Abraham mistress) couldn’t see a well of water beside her when her son was dying of thirst because she was spiritually blind until God opened her eyes to see. In this New Month, you need the Lord to open your spiritual eyes to see new opportunities round you. You’ve got to plead with God to give you brand new eyes to Possess your Possessions.


* In this New Month, God Almighty will give you brand new eyes to regain all your lost opportunities and secure new ones

* You shall be divinely made this New Month of May in Jesus name. Happy New Month