His Eyes Is On The Sparrows. Pt Two

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: His Eyes Is On The Sparrows. Pt Two [07/06/2017]

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33. Read: Matt 6:25-34

Getting yourself walked up on how God will fulfill what He has promised you robs you of today’s peace and tomorrow’s joy. Worrying gives you work to do and adds nothing to your life. Worrying gives you migraine and troubles of the heart. If the Lord has promised you a good job, believe Him, pray, move out in search for job and God will crown your effort. Don’t stay at home waiting for that job to fall on you like a ripe cherry. Go out in faith because, a promise without proper pursuit will end one in frustration. Like we said yesterday, there is a part of God and the part of man. God in His part can never fail, do your part and leave God’s.

Talking to His disciples, Jesus told them not to worry about anything that pertains to this world. Among what He told them is that,  even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these lilies of the field. You must focus on Jesus alone to help you fulfill your destiny. The only antidote Jesus offered against the spirit of worries is, we must seek the kingdom of God first and his righteousness and every other needs of life shall be added on to us. He has you in mind and cares for you every moment, He will neither leave nor forsake you. Trust Him for your everything. He can’t fail you because He has never failed before. All you need to have all your needs met is Jesus.


* Father, baptize me with the grace to seek You and Your kingdom first in Jesus Mighty Name