Managing Your Home by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Author: Pastor Faith Oyedepo

Topic: Managing Your Home

Dear Reader,

It is with great joy that I welcome you to the midst of the year where every everlasting mountain shall be destroyed. It’s another time in God’s presence, so you are welcome to this life-transforming and inspiring teaching via the Word of God.  It is my prayer that at the end of this teaching, your life and family shall be transformed to the glory of God in Jesus’ name! This month, I will be sharing with you on Managing Your Home.

God made the human family an unbeatable team and established them as gods on the earth, but because Adam failed in family management. He lost control and was sent out of the Garden of Eden. God’s Word says:  Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden… (Genesis 3:23). May you not be sent out of your place of destiny in Jesus’ name.  This was exactly what happened in the case of Adam. This is why this week, I will be sharing on Man’s Placement in the Home.

Your placement in the Kingdom of God, as a man, is determined by how well you rule your home.  If you cannot rule your house well, God will not allow you to rule His church, because He knows that you will not succeed at it.  See what the Bible says about those to take up responsibilities in the Church. One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (for if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? (I Timothy 3:4-5). Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well (I Timothy 3:12).

If you can’t rule your house well, there is a limit to how far you can go in the things of God.  This same truth is repeated twice in the same chapter, showing its importance.  How well do you rule your home?

To rule the home well, the man must be a loving leader, not a taskmaster.  Love is a necessary ingredient that a man must possess for effective leadership.  Christ rules the Church with the rod of love.  For the man to succeed, he must rule his home with the same rod. In fact, it is a scriptural commandment for the man to love his wife, as Christ loves the Church (Ephesians 5:25).

Remember, Christ loves the Church and gave Himself for us, even while we were yet sinners.  Husbands should also love their wives sacrificially, unconditionally and limitlessly.  Don’t forget, love is not love until it is expressed.  Express your love to your wife, in words and in deed.  As a woman, let me tell you one secret; no woman hates to be loved.  When you demonstrate your love to your wife, you will be able to govern your home with ease.

Man, if you must not suffer the kind of dethronement Adam suffered, you must have your home directly under your control. If your family fails, it is your fault and you will be held responsible by God.  After Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden, it was Adam that God called upon; not Eve, not the devil, but Adam (Genesis 3:9).  Even though God knew that it was the devil that deceived them and gave them the fruit, which Eve ate before Adam, yet it was Adam that God called upon.  Why?  Because God had already committed the management of the home into his hand.  Man, know that if the management of your family fails, you are the one that God will call upon!

Don’t make the kind of mistake that Adam made, so that you do not suffer what he suffered.  God’s Word says: For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning… (Romans 15:4).  Both the man and the woman in the home must make sure that there is no communication breakdown between them.

Some men are fond of rejoicing at the fact that they are the head of the home, forgetting the responsibilities attached to that office.  It is not enough to rejoice at the great authority that God has vested in the man, but to live up to the responsibilities attached to it.  Anything happening to the body is felt most by the head.

Have you ever thought about that? The man occupies such a strategic position that can influence and determine what the lives of other family members will be like.  As the head of the home, live up to expectation, so that Christ can be magnified, not only in your life, but in your home as well.  Don’t let God regret making you the head of the home!

You need God’s grace to manage your home.  This grace is only available to you when you surrender your life to Christ. This is done by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Saviour and Lord. If you are ready for this new birth experience, please say this prayer: “Dear Lord Jesus, I come to You today acknowledging that I am a sinner who needs Your forgiveness. I believe You died for me and rose again on the third day. Forgive me of my sins, wash me with Your Blood and write my name in the Lamb’s Book of life. Thank You Lord for saving me.”

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name. Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through; OR 07026385437 and 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).