When He Says It, It Is Done

Author: Emode Victor

A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic: When He Says It, It Is Done [27/06/17]

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11. Read: 1 Sam 2:30-36

One attribute of our God is that, He is not a talkative. Once He speaks, that is final and when He repeats Himself sometimes, it means His long-suffering. Long before God speaks, He has already done what He said. God is too big to cajole anyone, He is too important to flatter anyone and He is too faithful to fail or lie to His children. Lies, jesting, flattering can never make Him big because He’s already big. Sometimes, you hear some people say some things that makes it look like God is a liar or God has failed them. Has God promised you anything and now it seems like that particular thing is not forth coming? Hold on to Him, at the appropriate time, your Samuel will come, and menopause or andropause will not hold your Isaac back. The promises of the LORD is binding so long you play according to the rules. Remember, He honours His word above His name.

But be careful not to stop or abort God’s glorious promises for your life and family. God made  a promise to Eli that his lineage shall not lack a man to stand before Him but his children brought upon themselves and the whole family doom due to the breach in covenant. Whatsoever God has promised you, do your part to enjoy the fruits of the covenant, lest, such covenant becomes your doom.


* I decree and declare, my family and I shall not destroy God’s covenant for our lives

* God’s Words concerning us shall be fulfilled in Jesus Mighty Name