Winning Wisdom: Get It Out Of The Page

Author: Ese Ehimare Dave

Topic: Get It Out Of The Page [Tuesday, 27th June 2017]

But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. James 1:25

A philosopher, Sun Tzu, once said and I paraphrase, “no matter how many holy words you know, if you don’t live by them, it won’t profit you.” No matter how many working visions, ideas and goals we are able to pen down, we will not experience the profit of these goals if we don’t take the necessary actions. Actions are what give life to our goals. They will remain inanimate in the pages of the book, if not made animate with corresponding actions.

One of the many plagues bedeviling Nigeria as a country is lack of taking the prerequisite actions or what they call political will, to implement the wonderful recommendations various confabs, conferences, and reports from numerous committees have churned out. In our national archives, there are lots of good recommendations that, if actions that are deliberate and consistently purposeful are taken, Nigeria would get out of the woods she currently is. But to our greatest chagrin there is no political will to implement them. They are still inanimate in the pages of the books.

We must endeavor to take steps to achieve our strategic plans and ideas God has placed in our hearts, that we have written in pages of books. We must breath life into those pages so that we can enjoy profit from them as God intended. Take the bold step today. Forget all the reason why it won’t work and focus on the one reason why it will, and that reason it that God is involved. Trust Him to order your steps as you step out in faith to achieve those wonder goals, visions and ideas He has laid in your heart.

Keep winning daily.


Dear Lord, I take the step of faith today, to accomplish the beautiful ideas that You have given me. I trust in You to help me make profit with them, to Your glory and praise, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.