Prayer: Most Vital Weapon To Delivery


A Promise For You From Bible Promises:

Topic — Prayer: Most Vital Weapon To Delivery [14/09/17]

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint. Luke 18:1. Read: Lk 4:1, 14-21

It’s believed today that every thriving ministry has an engine room called “PRAYER”. When you pray, power is generated to deliver you your enviable destiny in a grand style. A prayer-less christian would be at the mercy of the enemies. When you fail to pray, you will become a prey for the devouring devil who is hunting after precious destinies to destroy. Prayer is one of the potent weapons that put the devil to flight, it drives away calamities from a man. You might have a great destiny but when you are lukewarm, you May die unfulfilled in life. When you pray, miracles happen. It was at the hour of prayer and as Peter and John had learnt from the ministry of Jesus Christ, they were on their way to the temple when they encountered the lame man at the beautiful gate. Act 3. Signs and wonders always follow the man of prayer. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God, their chains fell off their hands.

The earthly ministry of Jesus was characterised with prayer. He prayed all through – even on the cross, He still prayed. He had time for prayers precisely night time. And in the morning, signs and wonders happen during His preaching. If the enemy can get your prayer life quenched, he has gotten you. When the enemy used this trick for Daniel, he refused to fall for it, rather, he intensified his prayer life. Dan 6:1-10. To manifest in your place of destiny, you must engage the weapon of fervent prayers.


* Father Lord, baptise me with unquenchable spirit of prayer to deliver my glorious destiny in Jesus Mighty Name