Winning Wisdom — Sustainable Family 4: Domestication


Topic — Sustainable Family 4: Domestication [Thursday, 14th September 2017]

For this cause I bow my knees unto God…of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named. Ephesians 3:14-15

He is a fantastic minister of the word, but his family is a mess. She is growing in her career, but her children are disrespectful and wayward. That’s the consequences of lack of planning how to take care of the home front while giving your all to your career, business, job, ministry, etc, in a bid to make enough cash to meet the needs of the family. This is where most parents miss it. Your family is more important than your job, career, ministry etc. Some ministers will say “it is God’s work first before any other thing”, which may lead to the abandonment of his or her family. We often forget that scriptures say a bishop or deacon or pastor must be able to first take care of his house before he or she can take care of God’s people (1 Timothy 3:4-5). But all these can be taken care of with proper planning.

Couples must settle down to plan how they would take care of the home front, while still going about their life’s pursuits. Here are certain things to put into consideration if both partners are working: how are we going to make sure there is cooked food? Do we cook during weekends and refrigerate the food? When do we start having kids? Is it immediately we get married or some years later? When our kids arrive, how do we make sure they are well catered for, while we are still pursing our careers? Is one of us going to quit his or her job to take care of the children for a specific period of time? Or are we going to have a house help doing the domestic work, including taking care of the children, while we both face our work?

Other considerations include accommodation. Are we to have our parents or relatives live with us permanently, if we are responsible for them, or they should only visit us while we send money for their upkeep? What about our friends, either male or female, are they allowed to come live with us, in the event of accommodation issues, or they should only visit us? All these issues must be planned and settled before any couple gets married. If not, they might bring serious challenges later for them. Wisdom is profitable to direct. And it is wise to plan these aspect of your family before tying the nuptial knot or during the first few months of your marriage. May God’s wisdom direct us rightly.

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Wise Action:

Make these issues raised in today’s devotional part of your plans before getting married and make sure they are sorted out with God’s wisdom as your guide. Even if you are married, and you notice these issues creeping up in your home, you can start talking it out with your spouse and have a plan in place. God bless our homes.