Joyce Meyer’s Daily 14 September 2017 Devotional: Waiting on God


Topic: Waiting on God [Thursday September 14, 2017]

Before I knew much at all about trusting God, it really frustrated me when I needed God to do something that I knew would be quite easy for Him, yet He seemed to be doing nothing at all.

I now realize that even though nothing was changing in my circumstances, God was working in me. He was stretching my faith, and by doing so, He was expanding it and making it stronger. Because I did not know how to trust God, I was miserable the entire time I had to wait, and I am sure my wait was much longer than it would have been had I known how to trust Him.

Life does get easier as we gain more experience with God. We learn that although He is usually not early, He truly is never late—at least not according to His timetable.

Patience is not merely the ability to wait, but also how we behave while we wait. We will all wait on many things in life, but to “wait patiently” is the goal God has in mind for us. Waiting patiently is simply not possible unless we trust that God’s character is without flaw, and that He is good and displays His goodness to us as long as we live.