Our Daily Manna September 14, 2017: ODM devotional – When Robbers Visited That Home! -2


Topic: When Robbers Visited That Home! -2 [Thursday 14 September, 2017]

(Job 42:7-14).

Re-collect yesterday’s devotional where robbers visited a home and asked both the wife and husband to shoot themselves. Remember that the husband could not shoot the wife but the wife shot the husband even though threr were no bullets in the gun. It was a trick by the robbers. The questions that arose were:

1. Now if you were the man in that house, how would you react towards your wife?

2. If you were the wife, what explanation would you give to your husband?

3. If you were invited to bring peace between this couple, what advice would you give?

As you send your written reply to this email: orderodm@gmail.com the Holy Ghost wants you to know however that divorce is allowed on the grounds of adultery and unfaithfulness. Unfaithfulness in this context could mean a million things since adultery is not expressly involved. And the Holy Ghost is also speaking to a user of today’s devotional with this question:

What is that TERRIBLE OFFENCE done against you which you cannot forgive? As I write today’s devotional, it is laid in my heart that about 52,000 ODM users are living in one form of un-forgiveness or the other, and this is blocking so many testimonies. Un-forgiveness or bitterness are EVIDENCE BLOCKERS.

Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die from it. Also, Unforgiveness chains us to the past, poisons the present and keeps us from what the Lord has for the futre. So, no matter the offence, never allow another person’s offence to become your cemetery. Do you know that Satan can deliberately use people to provoke you in order to block you? It was after Job prayed for his friends that his friends refused to offend him. Do you know that those friends were thorns in his f;esh? Determine that no man or woman can become the reason to delay your breakthrough this year. Let Go and Let God!

Prayer Points: Take any song of worship.

1. Thank God for today’s word and pray as you are led!

2. Repent from any way in which you are still bitter about anybody now or in the past.

3. By the grace of God, no man or woman shall WASTE my prayers due to un-forgiveness. I release forgiveness to the following person(s)- (Mention names now if possible).

4. My Father God, in the days and months ahead, do not allow me to see any battle that will consume my faith in You.

5. Pray about today seriously and any other issue(s) affecting your peace.

By Bishop (Dr) Chris E. Kwakpovwe (Cek)
Publisher/Writer Of ODM And

Rev (Mrs) Flora E. Kwakpovwe (Fek)
Co-Publisher/Writer Of ODM.