Becoming A ‘Help Meet’ (2) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo


Topic — Becoming A ‘Help Meet’ (2)

Dear Reader,

You are welcome to another wonderful time in God’s presence. I count it a great privilege to bring God’s Word your way again today. It is my prayer that your home and family will begin to experience the hand of God in Jesus’ mighty name!

Today, I want to focus on the woman, as a ‘help meet.’

It can be quite frustrating for a man to have a woman who does not know where God has placed her in the home; thereby struggling to take the place of her husband. Every woman needs to recognise her biblical position in her husband’s life. Lack of knowledge in this area is what has robbed many homes of honour, dignity and success. The Bible says: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

Every man has his own weaknesses, but it is the duty of the woman as a wife to assist her husband in those identified weak areas instead of using them to despise, disgrace or pull him down.

You are the primary answer to the word ‘help meet’ when God was confronted with the same challenge; hence, you have to live up to that expectation. Your family, society, the world at large and God Himself are watching to see how well you carry out this task. If his weaknesses remain the same and he is stagnated; then, it means you are not carrying out your responsibilities.

The reason many believe that a good wife is measured by the wealth of blessings a man acquires after wedding is because his wife assumes her role as a help meet.

Be a helper not a destroyer, an asset not a liability, a blessing not a burden and a soothing balm, not a thorn in the flesh. Woman, that high look, secret pride, arrogant talk, nagging spirit and the likes are not from God. You have to stop them if you desire success in your marriage!

Read this testimony carefully:

“My marriage has been plagued with a lot of challenges because I did not understand my role as a ‘help meet’ as I was a busy career woman. My husband also started having extra marital affairs due to my tongue and this led to him issuing me a divorce notice. Each time we were to have a hearing; it was always postponed because we couldn’t go to court.

I read your book, Making Marriage Work, and by the ministration of the Holy Spirit, I longed for my marriage to be restored. Lo and behold, my husband is committed to giving this marriage a second chance. To God alone be all the glory!” – V. Kwoba

In the husband-wife relationship, submission is the major key that opens the door to peace, joy, and success in marriage. Submission can be instrumental in effecting changes in the home, as there is no man that would not respond positively to a submissive wife.

This is also a commandment from the Almighty God, Who demands that submission to your husband be absolute (Colossians 3:18). Don’t just submit in some areas that suit you, but in all. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all (James 2:10).

Submission may be the missing axe-head that is responsible for the problems in your home. Once that is in place, your husband will not stop loving you as commanded by God. Wherever you have opened the door of your home to the devil through your nonchalance and negligence of duty, I pray for your restoration now in the name of Jesus Christ!

There is no woman who does not desire to be loved by her husband.  However, you can only reap a harvest of love, if you sow the seed of submission. I have discovered that the more I stand in my God-ordained place in my husband’s life, the more love I receive from him.  Everyone close to us knows that my husband loves me.  But frankly, I want more love.  So, I stand firmly in my place, and keep surrounding him with assistance.

You need the grace of God to play your role effectively in the life of your husband; but it is the exclusive preserve of God’s children. If you desire grace, then you must accept Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. If you are ready for this, please say this prayer in faith: Dear Lord, I come to You today.  I am a sinner.  Forgive me of my sins.  Cleanse me with Your precious Blood.  I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Now I know I am born again!

Congratulations! You are now born again! All-round rest and peace are guaranteed you, in Jesus’ Name! Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through or08141320204, 07026385437.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).

Pastor Faith Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.