Family Dominion, How Possible? (2) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo


Topic — Family Dominion, How Possible? (2)

Dear Reader,

Last week, I taught on how seeking revelation and being positive will help you exercise family dominion.

However, this week, I will be examining Unity in the Family. The Bible says: …how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (Psalm 133:1). Doubtlessly, unity in the family fosters dominion. When you are united as a family, your dominion is unquestionable and visible.

Genesis 11:6 says: …Behold, the people is one… and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. This shows the strength in unity! Thus, to exercise dominion in your family, ensure there is unity in all that you set out to do. As the head of the family, there should be transparency to enable the members of your family know where you are leading them to. This makes it easy for them to follow and brings about the much needed unity that culminates in dominion.

It is quite unfortunate that even Christians, worshipping in the same church have challenges in their relationship with one another. The responsibility of living peaceably is not only on one person but on all members of the family. Ensure that peace reigns among you. Parents, teach your children how to live peacefully among one another; this should also extend to your in-laws.

Scripturally, envy and strife are not only sinful; they also bring evil in the family (James 3:16). Hence, the need to live peacefully with all people.

The Bible says: Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled (Hebrews 12:14-15).

From the above scripture, if you do not live peaceably with those around you, three things are bound to happen:

The Grace of God will elude you

What is Grace? Grace is unmerited favour. It is something you receive without working for. God is the sole Custodian of grace and He says it will elude whoever will not obey His commandment. Anyone living in hatred, bitterness, malice, etc., has fallen short of the grace of God. Your family shall not fall short of the favour of God that makes for dominion!

Until you learn the act of living peaceably with others, the grace of God upon your life will not find fulfilment. Avoid anger, hatred and strife because they are little foxes that spoil the vine and frustrate the grace of God upon an individual’s life.

You will live in bitterness

When you are not living at peace with someone, bitterness automatically sets in and continues to build up in your heart towards that person. Bear in mind that you cannot find God where there is bitterness because God is love. Just like light cannot dwell with darkness; so also God cannot manifest His power where there is hatred. It doesn’t matter whether the person is a Christian or not, as long as you are bitter against anyone your prayers are hindered.

You get defiled

If you don’t live at peace with one another, you get spiritually, physically and mentally defiled. Your thought pattern towards that individual changes negatively and you forget all the good things they have ever done for you.

When you live peaceably with people and forgive them for any wrong done, you benefit greatly from it. Let the lifestyle of Christ reflect in your family, neighbourhood, career, business and everywhere you find yourself. Let people identify you with Christ (Matthew 5:16).

To effectively live peacefully with your family members and others, learn instant forgiveness. Also, be ready to ask for forgiveness when you are wrong. Make sure you effectively communicate with one another to avoid misconception. Let the Word of God be your guide and always pray in the Spirit.

If you need the Prince of Peace to manifest peace in your family, you can embrace Him by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. If you are set to do that, say this prayer in faith: Dear Lord, I come to You today.  I am a sinner.  Forgive me of my sins.  Cleanse me with Your precious Blood.  I accept You as my Lord and Saviour.  Now I know I am born again!

Congratulations, you are now born again! Call or write, and share your testimonies with me through or 08141320204, 07026385437.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building A Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).