Conquering Anger in Your Marriage

Photo: adndbcounselling

Has your marriage turned into a battlefield full of hidden explosive devices?

Do your conversations escalate into arguments rapidly?

Has communication collapsed in fear of your spouse’s anger?

Communication is the master key to a successful marriage and it’s probably one of the things you loved most about your spouse when you were dating. You remember those long conversations where you felt safe sharing everything that was on your heart. Now after a few years of marriage you can barely get out the first few words without bombs exploding.

Your spouse’s anger can open the door for a spirit of bitterness to take root in you. I see it all the time in the office. The angry husband that realizes he has a problem and wants help to change, but the wife is barracked behind a wall of pain and distrust.

That pain is often attached to word curses that have dropped like bombs in the midst of the battle.

Salvo’s fly with words like:

“You are such a nag!”
“You are bitter, just like your mother!”
“Nothing is ever good enough for you!”

These word curses fuel the battle and leave wounds of rejection that demonic kingdom will use over and over to keep the war fresh.

It’s time wave the white flag and call a truce…Read More

Source and Original Content by AandBCounselling