Understanding The Ministry Of Angels


Seen Any Angels Lately?

Angels are spiritual messengers, they appear in every major religious tradition. Whatever your personal belief, angels are available to help you if you tune in to their energy and ask them for assistance. I invite you now to open your mind and heart to the invisible world where the angels live.

As a photographer and spiritual energy healer, I am both familiar and comfortable with angels. Human beings have dense physical bodies, but we also inhabit an invisible world of energy and spirit. One way to experience the energy of this invisible world is through works of art, music, meditation prayer……

Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to encounter angels in situations some people would call coincidences or miracles. In my work as a healer, I am often assisted by angels and healing guides. Each energetic connection I have with a person is the result of an angel working through me—sometimes directly, by giving me energy or support; other times indirectly, by sending their healing vibrations.

My first experience with angels occurred at age fifteen as I stood at the bedside of my dying grandmother. I listened in awe while she matter-of-factly described the angels she saw floating on the ceiling of the hospital room. “The angels are here, see them?” she said, pointing upward. I was thrilled that she assumed I could see them too.

Angels often manifest in order to help us make the transition between life and death. It is common for the dying to communicate with them. Children, too, often interact with angels; since they have recently arrived from the spiritual world, the veil separating them from angelic domains is thin, allowing easy passage from one realm to the other. With maturity, however, societal influences inhibit their ability to leave the physical realm. Fortunately, adult communication with the spiritual world is now gaining acceptability.

Angels have protected me for years. Once, while a close friend was driving us down an icy road, he asked me to seek angelic protection. I began to visualize a large angel in white standing on the hood of the car—a technique I often employ when traveling by car or airplane. Ten minutes later, we hit a patch of ice. The car spun across the highway into oncoming traffic, then careened onto the grassy shoulder. The first words my friend spoke were, “Thank your angels, we could have been killed…Read More

Source and Original Content by Angels of New York Book